Paul Sutton


UN Report Urges Global End To Fossil Fuel Exploration by 2030

Yet another report about ending or need for fossil fuels. Article on Slashdot here.

The world has had yet another record breaking period of heat, and it will just get warmer and warmer.

#TimeToAct, #Climate

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California Hurricane

This isn't being reported on BBC news, as far as I am aware, granted it is like to be a tropical storm by the time it reaches land, nevertheless it will still be a devastating storm.

Hurricanes are NOT normal in California.

Meanwhile Canada still burns! As far as I am aware, Yellowknife is facing serious damage and probably loss of life.



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Vital Atlantic Ocean system could collapse sooner than previously thought

We have been seeing this on the news recently and this was posted to the Fediverse on 31/7/2023. Interesting article, we are on the bring of something very bad indeed if this happens. Read more here.



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What is the UK Playing at?

It seems despite the endless warnings on impending climate collapse, the call for immediate halt to fossil fuels. The UK Prime minister has decided to issue 100's of new Licenses to extract oil and gas from the North Sea.

This appears to be so we can increase our energy security. This of course is garbage, we can produce our energy needs using renewable means, we just need to get this capacity connected to the national grid. We just need to ban the sale of gas appliances, retrain people in the newer tech so we can minimise job losses and find more sustainable ways of doing things.

At the same time, we are trying to tell other countries to cut down on fossil fuels, we need to lead by example.

In the meantime it seems claims the heatwaves are false are being spread via mainstream social media. From this it looks like X / Twitter is at the centre of all this.

This is why I use fedi, intelligent people, having intelligent conversations and discussions, encouraging critical thinking and understanding of the science, hence recent posts on here about theory and hypothesis.



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Climate : Time to get a grip

This link was posted to the fediverse. An very hard hitting article on the ITV news website, spelling out the reality of climate change and the damage we are doing to our planet as humans. You can read the article here.

I think when 11,000 scientists are all saying the same thing it is time we woke up and listened.

The fediverse seems to be about the only place that we can hold sensible, science and evidence based discussions. People are actually LEAVING mainstream social media, joining the fediverse to discuss as they feel safer and are not being subjected to the abuse they face on mainstream social media.


#ITVNews,#Climate,#Warming,#Ecosystems,#Humans,#Damage, #Extinction.

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Climate Change

Report in nature, that Top climate scientists are sceptical that nations will rein in global warming. I think these warnings are really plausible, as we have seen much higher than average temperatures this winter, well above this 1.5 degree rise we are meant to be avoiding.

The fact so many scientists don't think we are going to even meet these targets is also worrying.

This was posted to the Fediverse I commented to make the point about higher than normal temperatures.

We are really in trouble and need to wake up.



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U.S. Climate Extremes Index (CEI)

This link to the NOAA tool was posted to fedi, by Getzler Lab at KenyonCollege. I am sharing here as it is looks like it could be really useful to others too.


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First look at the IPCC climate report

An interesting article [1] examining the recent IPCC [2] report on climate change, highlighting six of the most important takeaways from this. The full report is at [3] while I have set up a discussion on discourse at [4]


1 First look at Climate Change Report 2 The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 3 Sixth Assessment report 4. Discourse Discussion



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Novel food solutions for a more sustainable future – CNA

Interesting article from Channel News Asia (CNA) on sustainable food production. As climate change and disasters jeopardise food security, could the switch to alternative proteins be the solution to the region’s need for a sustainable food ecosystem? Money Mind reports.

Looks like some good innovation here. This was posted by GreenPeace [1] to Mastodon. The article [2] is worth reading so I am not going to try and paraphrase and sum up here as the message could end up getting lost that way. If you are not sure what Jackfruit are, I have also included a link to a BBC Food page on this [3].

I wasn't however aware that rice production was being affected by climate change. This really isn't good given how widespread rice is, for so many in Asia.


1 Greenpeace Mastodon 2 Article on sustainable food 3 JackFruit BBC news 4. Channel News Asia



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Climate change threatens European forests

Interesting article posted to the Fediverse by the Science Daily bot.

So trees are essential for several things including CO2 reduction, so we are chopping down trees and also pumping more CO2 in to the atmosphere, which is causing climate change, which in turn is also causing trees to die.

One way to sow the seeds of our own destruction. Once Humans are gone, I think the Earth will recover, probably quite quickly.

We have seen evidence of how wildlife takes back control, during the first lock down in March –> May 2020, with no cars or people around, villages had animals take over. See BBC news link below.

Well worth reading the article, for a picture of what is happening.

Citation information:

Max-Planck-Gesellschaft. “Climate change threatens European forests: Well over half of Europe's forests are potentially at risk from windthrow, forest fire and insect attacks.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 1 March 2021. .



#YearOfTheFediverse,#Mastodon,#ScienceDaily,#Climate, #Change#Trees,#Dying,#Forests,#MaxPlanckInstituteforBiogeochemistry,

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