Paul Sutton


AI Footprint

This is well-known about, but not enough discussion around the subject.



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Collapse of key Atlantic current

So, further to my previous post on this topic, Professor Stefan Rahmstorf has written an article for Livescience suggesting that the collapse is no longer a low probability. You can read the article here

Take from this what you want, but it is imperative do something, the recent floods in Valancia Spain highlight extreme weather.



Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC),


#Science,#Climate,#AMOC,#Atlantic,#Currents,#AtlanticCurrent,#Collapse,#ClimateSciance,#ScienceandTechnology #ClimateChange #EarthSciences #AcademicResearch #EnvironmentalImpact #JanoGibson

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Unintended geoengineering test is warming the Atlantic

'We're changing the clouds': Unintended geoengineering test is warming the Atlantic

Article from examining the unintended consequences of geoengineering, we are now warming the Atlantic Ocean.

Life exists on planet earth for a good reason, it exists because the conditions to support life have developed over millions of years. I don't think we can mess with this balance without consequences, we are already seeing these due to human activity causing climate change.

The link was posted to the Fediverse and can be found here where, if you join (free) you comment further.



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California Hurricane

This isn't being reported on BBC news, as far as I am aware, granted it is like to be a tropical storm by the time it reaches land, nevertheless it will still be a devastating storm.

Hurricanes are NOT normal in California.

Meanwhile Canada still burns! As far as I am aware, Yellowknife is facing serious damage and probably loss of life.



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Climate change – more extreme weather on the way.

The climate is changing and fast, it seems much faster than we had predicted. This weekend will see RECORD European heat.

Recent BBC articles on various serious issues. Heat over 40c has proven deadly to humans, it can destroy crops, water systems etc.

We still want to mine deep see minerals,. warnings about this ignored, and due to people not making agreements deadlines pass to stop this happening. We don't need to mine for new tech, we don't need new phones ever year, we need to consume less, recycle more and change the way we live our lives to more sustainable models. The fact the ocean floor is teaming with unstudied life, means if we start mining, we will most likely destroy this fragile ecosystem and wipe out species we don't even know about.

While at the same time there are still posts denying all these problems spreading on some social media platforms.

If you want to have proper discussions on all this I suggest you join a Fediverse instance such as qoto mastodon or Science Forums.

I have since added another link to an article about land temperatures hitting 60 degrees C.




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New UN report highlights the scale of global climate change

Another article posted on Fediverse about the serious nature of climate change. As individuals there seems only a certain amount we can do, short of living off grid. So the question I asked on Science Forums [2] is “how many more reports are needed?”

In terms of recycling:

There seems to be a lot of initiatives out there but some local authorities in the UK seem unable to recycle some materials, I think the situation is improving.

There are some good ideas, such as turning face masks in to litter pickers [3] but this is in Cornwall, UK, I have not heard anything about this idea being rolled out nationally, but if it was, would that ideally need to be on a local level so the collection —> end product happens locally reducing the need for transporting materials and end products around?

1 Climate news now – Fediverse 2 Science Forum discussion 3 Hospital face masks find new life stopping plastic waste



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Mastodon How-To For Activists, Organizations & Movements

This looks an interesting / useful workshop for anyone who wants to set up on Mastodon / Fediverse.

Takes place : Jan-31 –> Feb-2-2023


#HumanRights #RacialJustice #Politics #SocialJustice #ClimateChange #BLM #TwitterMigration #Introduction #IranRevolution #StandWithUkraine

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Hackers Against Climate Change

Another interesting climate group on the Fediverse.

“Hackers Against Climate Change” originated as a series of self-organized sessions at 35c3. Since then we have worked with other climate activist groups, supplying them with technical knowledge, as well as trying to raise awareness for the current climate crisis in the hacker community.

#climate,#science,#computers,#hacking,#climatechange, #environment

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