Paul Sutton


Scismic : Making a PostDoc Stand out for industry

This is the next Scismic Webinar

You gain additional technical skills and increased research independence during a postdoc. These can help you in non-academic employment, if you know how to pitch your experience. This workshop will help you identify the best qualifications you bring from your postdoc position to a new role, and how to effectively communicate these throughout the job search process.

Making a PostDoc Stand out for industry

Date and time

Wednesday, May 24 · 7 – 8pm BST

Tickets via eventbrite here


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Ecology jobs and research opportunities.

If you're interested in jobs within Ecology and Environment it may be worth following @jobsecoevo on the fediverse. As opportunities seem to get posted on a regular basis.

Note: That these seem to be generally PostDoc opportunities, but fedi is also about making connections too.

Also worth following">Ana Rodrigues

An example of a recent post is



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