Paul Sutton


Nasa’s Parker mission

Nasa’s Parker mission poised for solar ‘landing’ in 2024

This mission was launched in 2018. As this part of the mission draws to a close, a Fediverse post reminded me about it. This link to has some more information.

Lots of exciting things happening in 2024. this will be the first of many.



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NASA Solar storm warning

This is pretty scary stuff, solar storms are known to be a high risk to technology on Earth. Looks like if anything happens we won't get much of a warning, We'd Have a 30-Minute Warning Before a Killer Solar Storm Hits Earth

Something to consider.




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World’s largest solar powered green Hydrogen plant begins operation in China

Another post on Mastodon this one posted by SilverSpookGames. Sharing here as I doubt that the BBC et al will bother even giving this a mention.

Looks like a really good project, shows what CAN be achieved too.



#China,#Environment,#Solar,#Hydrogen,#NoMoreCoal, #NoMoreFossilFuels

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