Game development in Rust with Macroquad
This should be available by the time this post is published book on rust game programming/
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Scratch Frog Jump
I have created this for code club members.
This is what we are going to make, when you click on the frog it will jump up, come back down and make a croak sound.

- Add the background.,

- Select the frog from the animals section of spites.

- Finally add some code to the sprite, you will need to choose the frog sound.

The code to reset the position isn't needed, unless you add other code that will move the frog left / right for example and you need to reset back to original position.
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GoDot beginners course
As we have discussed the GoDot game engine at Code Club, I am sharing this from a recent Free Code Camp e-mail.
- Unleash your inner game developer with this new Godot Game Engine course. This beginner-friendly tutorial will guide you through coding your own platformer game. You'll design your game's User Interface, enemies, and 2D background scenes. Along the way, you'll also learn skills like event scripting, animation, and camera movement. (25 minute read):
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Global Game Jam 2022
The GGJ Mission: To empower individuals worldwide to learn, experiment, and create together through the medium of games.
Dates: 20 – 30 January 2022
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Warzone 2100 4.0
Just spotted this on the Techrights irc channel. Warzone 2100 4.0 has been released. I have not played this much, but when i have I feel that it is a really nice game. Gaming on Linux
On a related note, there was a really good talk on GPU architecture at Libreplanet back in March from Alyssa Rosenzweig called Does your GPU work with free graphics drivers? which may be worth catching up if you are interested ensuring all your hardware is freedom respecting, there are some excellent options out there now.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
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An open source voxel game engine. Play one of our many games, mod a game to your liking, make your own game, or play on a multiplayer server.
Available for Windows, macOS, GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, DragonFly BSD, and Android.
I have found this to be a really nice game, I never really got in to Minecraft, but this should easily appeal to those who like minecraft and similar games. Lots of options to build on this, develop levels, mods etc.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
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GoDot Conference 2021
Event : GoDot game engine conference
Date : 23rd January 2021
Posted by:-
Debian GNU+Linux info
godot3/stable 3.0.6-2 amd64
Full 2D and 3D game engine with editor
godot3-runner/stable 3.0.6-2 amd64
Godot game engine run-time
godot3-server/stable 3.0.6-2 amd64
Headless Godot game engine run-time
golang-github-gobuffalo-envy-dev/stable 1.6.4-1 all
simplify working with ENV variables
golang-github-joho-godotenv-dev/stable 1.2.0+git20180115.6bb0851-1 all
Go port of Ruby's dotenv library
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Powdertoy part 1
The Powder Toy is a free physics sandbox game, which simulates air pressure and velocity, heat, gravity and a countless number of interactions between different substances!
The website should auto detect your Operating system so go ahead and click the download button.

When the save dialogue appears click save

- Save to a useful location
- Go to where you saved the .zip file
- Right click and extract archive ( the exact procedure will depend on your OS.
- Extract the files to where you saved the .zip file

You will end up with a set of files.

The running program will look similar to this.

Very basic demo video
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