Blender 3 features
In a related post to the Sprite Frigiht video from November 1st,
This video looks at some of the great features in version 3 of Blender.
Looks pretty good, you can follow Blender on the Fediverse with
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Overleaf pgfplots
Overleaf have updated their pgfplots documentation and you can now open example code directly in Overleaf.

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Libre Graphics Meeting
The Libre Graphics Meeting 2021
27-30 May, online and physical

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Warzone 2100 4.0
Just spotted this on the Techrights irc channel. Warzone 2100 4.0 has been released. I have not played this much, but when i have I feel that it is a really nice game. Gaming on Linux
On a related note, there was a really good talk on GPU architecture at Libreplanet back in March from Alyssa Rosenzweig called Does your GPU work with free graphics drivers? which may be worth catching up if you are interested ensuring all your hardware is freedom respecting, there are some excellent options out there now.

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Share Graphics on Next Cloud
So Further to the video / post yesterday
In a similar way to how you can share a video on BBB you can share graphics in markdown, by doing something similar. This works on WriteAs / WriteFreely
I uploaded ILoveFS.png
So adding /download?.png to
Embeds the graphics in the page.


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FreeBSD 7
Further to my previous post I have been on IRC #freebsd in order to ask about what would be good to use for taking screen shots of desktop applications for example.
Scrot : is easy to use and you cam use this to take a picture of the whole screen, this will be useful going forward with these posts.
pkg install scrot
For basic usage just type scrot at the console or in a terminal window.
I have also installed simpleviewer, with
pkg install simpleviewer
However running this at the cli did do anything, you need to find the actual binary executable for this.
info -lx simpleviewer
reveals sviewgl as the program you need to run.
I am now pretty much set up for taking screenshots and being able to view then.
#bsd, #desktop, ##freebsd, #twm, #screenshots, #graphics, #viewing, #console, #gui
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