Paul Sutton


Fosdem 2022

FOSDEM is a free event for software developers to meet, share ideas and collaborate.

Dates: 5 & 6 February 2022 Location: Online




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LibreOffice bug fixing

This 3 part series was presented on the LibreOffice Blog. I have taken the three parts and provided links below.

1 Understanding the Bugs and QA 2 Developing a Bug Fix 3 [Writing the Tests and Finishing the Task]()



#LibreOffice,#FOSS,#Office,#Productivity,#Bug,#Fixing,#QA, #Development,

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A few useful links

The following is shared from Mastodon. Hopefully will help spread the word little.

Ade Malsasa Akbar

Mastodon Posts June 2020

Alternatives (added 11/8/2021)

Switching #Privacy Tools #PRISM Break android: Droid Break #FreeSoftware Directory #Games signal: Secure #Messengers #Photography #Distros fediverse: #Social

Update 25/4/2022

This link was sent to me in April 2022. Not had time to check it out yet. Privacy tools – search history

#FreeSoftWare #FOSS #Mastodon,#Games,#Social,#GNU,#Photography,#Android,#Communication(s),#Privacy

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Warzone 2100 4.0

Just spotted this on the Techrights irc channel. Warzone 2100 4.0 has been released. I have not played this much, but when i have I feel that it is a really nice game. Gaming on Linux

On a related note, there was a really good talk on GPU architecture at Libreplanet back in March from Alyssa Rosenzweig called Does your GPU work with free graphics drivers? which may be worth catching up if you are interested ensuring all your hardware is freedom respecting, there are some excellent options out there now.



#YearOfTheFediverse,#warzon2100,#Game,#RTS,#GPL,#FOSS,#Vulkan, #Graphics,#Techrights,#Libreplanet

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Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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Contribute to f-droid

This was originally shared on Mastodon, so am sharing here for any one else who may be interested.

  • F-droid is looking for project contributors. There is a good article here with some more information.

The contribution page is also here

Looks like lots of opportunities to get involved. If you are interested you can also get in touch with IzzyOnDroid.

You can join Mastodon here then connect with IssyOnDroid and ask how to get involved.

I am on Mastodon here

#freesoftware,#fdroid,#contribution,#foss,#repository, #android

Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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Contribute to f-droid

This was originally shared on Mastodon, so am sharing here for any of my followers who may be interested.

  • F-droid is looking for project contributors. There is a good article here with some more information.

The contribution page is also here

Looks like lots of opportunities to get involved. If you are interested you can also get in touch with IzzyOnDroid.

You can join Mastodon here then connect with IssyOnDroid and ask how to get involved.

I am on Mastodon here

#freesoftware,#fdroid,#contribution,#foss,#repository, #android,#technology,#programming,#testing,#docs, #development,#software

MastodonPeertubeJoin Mastodon

AI statement : Consent is NOT granted to use the content of this blog for the purposes of AI training or similar activity. Consent CANNOT be assumed, it has to be granted.

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