A few useful links

The following is shared from Mastodon. Hopefully will help spread the word little.

Ade Malsasa Akbar @ademalsasa@floss.social


Mastodon Posts June 2020

Alternatives (added 11/8/2021)

Switching https://switching.software #Privacy Tools https://privacytools.io #PRISM Break https://prism-break.org android: Droid Break https://droid-break.info #FreeSoftware Directory https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Category:Collection #Games https://libregamewiki.org signal: Secure #Messengers https://securemessagingapps.com #Photography https://pixls.us/software #Distros https://computefreely.org fediverse: #Social https://fediverse.party

Update 25/4/2022

This link was sent to me in April 2022. Not had time to check it out yet. Privacy tools – search history

#FreeSoftWare #FOSS #Mastodon,#Games,#Social,#GNU,#Photography,#Android,#Communication(s),#Privacy

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