Paul Sutton


Tinkerers Feb 25

It was just myself and Helen at the Tinkerers meet up today. We had a look at my Arduino robot, which Helen has taken home to work on.

We spent a good deal of time testing Helen's Dragstar car.

Dragster car

This was the first opportunity to mark out a good 7m white line track and test how well the vehicle can run along the track.

Track was marked out in the STEAM discovery centre, as this has black flooring, each tile is 500mm so 14 tiles = 7m (7000mm)


Results were excellent. The dragster has Bluetooth so can send data back to a mobile phone.


Data is sent back to phone.


Next Meeting

March 22nd 2025



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Overleaf Beta Testing

As I have signed up in the Overleaf beta testing programme, I am able to access new features early. The latest is testing their AI tool to help fix any errors to the LaTeX code.

This is going well so far, and seems a useful feature, especially as LaTeX can throw up problems that are harder to identify at times


7/7/2024 : I have made a video to illustrate how this feature can be used:



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Code Club – testing input

Once you have code working nicely, it is a good idea to add in error checking so that when asking for user input, what is put in to the program matches what is required.

We can ask a user for a numerical value so we know how many times to repeat the loop. How do we test for this.

letter = rawinput(“Enter your name “) i = letter.isalpha() while i != True: print(“Input MUST use letters”) letter = rawinput(“Name “) i = letter.isalpha() print letter

In this example, the user is asked to enter their name, this is stored and checked that is is actually a alphabetical character a-z or A-Z.



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LibreOffice 7.6

I saw this on the LO fediverse account on 17th May, LibreOffice 7.6 is coming and is available now for Alpha testing

LO 7,.6 Beta

See here for announcement or here for download


Other links

This video I made to illustrate how to install LO 7.4 on Debian may be useful so giving it a mention anyway.



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New code club browser editor – Testing

Code Club have created a new in browser code editor, which we can try and test at code club.

More information can be found here

While this is in testing, this is a really important part of the software development process, so being able to test software is just as important as writing software.



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Big Blue Button testing Mar 2023

I am just testing BigBlueButton 2.6.0-rc.8!. I can upload a presentation from inside a room, but can't from the room set up area.

Room name –> Presentation tab

I get an error as per video below, (note vokoscreen-ng is playing up)

I am sharing on my blog so that if anyone reading this, has a similar problem or can reproduce using rc.8 then we can confirm. I have reported error to the dev-list



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LibreAdventure testing 2023

With under a week to go until LibrePlanet 2023, as a member of the LIbrePlanet committee, I have started to help test the FSFs LibreAdvemture game.

So far the game works fine. I need other people to test if the video / voice integration works, but I can't see why it won't

Just found one or two bugs / issues so far, these have been reported via the etherpad.





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Testing Big blue button July 2022

I am involved in helping to test big blue button. I just noticed something odd, if I use the custom layout from the “Layout Settings Modal” option, then I can also see propagate layout.

With the other options the propagate option doesn't appear.

Not too sure if this is a bug or it is meant to happen. I have made this Vokoscreen video to try and illustrate. It also makes it easier to share what the issue seems to be.

This is happening on a recent beta build, installed on the Faircam server.


#BigBlueButton,#Beta,#Alpha,#Testing,#BugTracking,#Video,#Conference, #Education

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Software Testing

Big Blue Button and Overleaf Testing

I am currently involved in testing various software resources, this include Big Blue Button and Overleaf.

Big Blue Button Testing

The instance of BBB I am using is hosted by Faircam, we have access to both the current stable release,but also the alpha release. This allows for testing of the software. I am part of the BBB developer google group, so can report issues and have just joined the Users' list to discuss there too.

Overleaf Online LaTeX Editor testing

With Overleaf, users are given access to new features to try out, so right now they are introducing a new editor, so the options are the Beta editor, Normal editor and the usual Rich text editor. As I prefer to just write in LaTeX, then I am using the normal editor, but also switching between that and the new test editor and can fill in a simple online form to give feedback on new features.



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Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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Xubuntu 21.04 Testing Week

Ubuntu Testing Week for 21.04

Date : Commencing Thursday April 1st to


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