Paul Sutton


Typesetting Math multiplication

There are several different ways to express multiplication in Mathematics. As \LaTeX is (or can be) used to typeset mathematical and scientific expressions. The following may be useful.

In general we use the $\ce{\times}$ symbol to express multiplication, for example 12 $\ce{\times}$ 6

This can be type set using

 12 $\ce{\times}$ 6 

However it may also be expressed with * in which case we just use

12 * 6

In algebra, this can be expressed as:


Where A is 12 and B is 6

However you may come across the use of a dot

12 $\ce{\cdot}$ 6

In which case we use

12 $\ce{\cdot}$ 6



This could be useful for typesetting the notation we used in the November stem group meeting for determining the speed of light

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Electronic Structures of Atoms

In Chemistry is important to know how electrons are arranged in their orbitals. The guide below is a really good explanation of this.



If you are using LaTeX to write up reports, then it may be useful to be able to confidently type set how electrons are arranged in their shells and subshells.

if we take an example for Boron from the above website, we can type set this in $\LaTeX$ using math mode:-


The result is a nicely typeset electron configuration.

This is not perfect as it should display the final x as a subscript (below) the the 1 as a superscript next to this. But it should be possible to fix.

This tutorial is sort of related but may be useful for drawing diagrams.

To draw the orbital diagrams you need to use :-

\usepackage{ amssymb }

Then in the document use

\upharpoonleft and \upharpoonright

$\upharpoonleft$ and $\upharpoonright$

For this article I used detexify to figure out the \LaTeX code for the graphics.

Update : 25/2/2022

Having asked on the OU forum about this, in this thread reply I have been advised to use the mhchem package and this will type set the orbitals much better.

\usepackage[version=3]{mhchem} % you may prefer the spacing using version=4
$\ce{1s^2 2s^2 2p_x^1}$



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Overleaf pgfplots

Overleaf have updated their pgfplots documentation and you can now open example code directly in Overleaf.




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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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Tex Live 2021

TeX live 2021 is currently available.



#LaTeX,#TeXLive,#Release,#TypeSetting,#CTAN,#Overleaf, #TeXStudio,#Forum

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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Tex Live 2021

TeX live 2021 is currently available. I am downloading the iso file via torrent. This also, hopefully helps with distribution.



#LaTeX,#TeXLive,#Release,#TypeSetting,#CTAN,#Overleaf, #TeXStudio,#Forum

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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TeX Live Road Map

Posting this, for anyone interested in the 2021 TeXLive Roadmap to release.

TeX Live is intended to be a straightforward way to get up and running with the TeX document production system. It provides a comprehensive TeX system with binaries for most flavors of Unix, including GNU/Linux, macOS, and also Windows. It includes all the major TeX-related programs, macro packages, and fonts that are free software, including support for many languages around the world. Many operating systems provide it via their own distributions. 

Read more

Plan for TeX Live 2021:
15feb: candidate/final sources committed, test builds begin.
28feb: tlnet (and TL'20) frozen, tlpretest starts, CTAN updates continue there.
15mar: code freeze for final build, major bug fixes only.
27mar: final updates from CTAN, final doc tweaks.
29mar: deliver TL image for TeX Collection packaging/testing.
5apr: deliver TeX Collection DVD image for manufacturing.
10apr: public release (also of MacTeX).
June?: delivery of DVDs to members. 

#texlive,#latex,#roadmap,release2021,#ctan,#typesetting, #packages,#install,#mactex,#windows,#linux,#document, #creation

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LaTeX and Overleaf – Changing the compiler

A question came up on IRC earlier about Overleaf, LaTeX and compiling to use the \usepackage{arabluatex} package.

I suggested that it is possible to change the compiler to use LuaTeX and made the following video to help others with this

#Overleaf,#LaTeX,#compiler,#pdfLaTeX,XeLaTeX,LuaLaTeX, #typesetting,#troubleshooting,#tech,#science,#document, #report,#writing,#author,#authoring #thesis,#creative,#creating

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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Overleaf Webinars August / September 2020

Overleaf are presenting their introductory Webinars in August and September.

If you are new to Overleaf then these are really useful to learn about the features from Beginner to Advanced.

#LaTeX,#Overleaf,#typesetting,#cloud,#Webinar,#Introduction,#Intermediate,#Advanced,#writing,#professional,#science, #academia.

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In an update to my previous post the learn LaTeX resource has now developed really nicely in to an excellent resource.

You can have a go at the exercises using Overleaf or the built in editor.

This resource is now progressing really nicely. Joseph Write did a presentation on this at Tug2020


You can ask questions on LaTeX forums here

If you do need some help then I can mostly be found on Qoto STEM focused Mastodon instance within the fediverse. I do login to the LaTeX forums from time to time. I seem to be on ScienceForums quite a lot these days discussing either Chemistry, Astronomy or Astrophysics.

Note: I am just trying to promote the above websites, I am hoping that my basic chemistry tutorial can complement.

#LaTeX, #learning, #lessons #typesetting, #document, #preparation, #academic, #writing, #journal

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Licenced under Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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Overleaf Webinar write up from 09/7/2020

I attended another Webinar presented by Overleaf, the cloud based, collaborative text editor.

This webinar focused on “Organizing and Managing your Overleaf Projects”.

Again really well presented and it covered project ownership, and the rights this gives you, e.g you can't rename a project that has been shared with you.

Also covered folders and tags, the differences between project archiving and deletion. Along with more about what is found on the dashboard, searching for projects for example. Well worth taking a look at in the previous webinar recordings.

In the meantime there is a TUG virtual conference near the end of July (24th –> 26th). Please see link below for details.

Next webinar

The next Webinar is on 30th July and will cover How to Create Professional Looking Documents In-House.


#Overleaf,#LaTeX,#Webinar,#organise,#project,#management, #typesetting,#document,#documents

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