Learn LaTeX Update 3rd August 2020

In an update to my previous post the learn LaTeX resource has now developed really nicely in to an excellent resource.

You can have a go at the exercises using Overleaf or the built in editor.

This resource is now progressing really nicely. Joseph Write did a presentation on this at Tug2020


You can ask questions on LaTeX forums here

If you do need some help then I can mostly be found on Qoto STEM focused Mastodon instance within the fediverse. I do login to the LaTeX forums from time to time. I seem to be on ScienceForums quite a lot these days discussing either Chemistry, Astronomy or Astrophysics.

Note: I am just trying to promote the above websites, I am hoping that my basic chemistry tutorial can complement.

#LaTeX, #learning, #lessons #typesetting, #document, #preparation, #academic, #writing, #journal

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