Paul Sutton


Proto School

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This was posted to Mastodon, useful set of tutorials from Proto School [1]

Our self-guided interactive tutorials are designed to introduce you to decentralized web concepts, protocols, and tools. 

These were posted by DignifiedSilence [2]

Courses on offer

  • Content Addressing on the Decentralized Web
  • Merkle DAGs: Structuring Data for the Distributed Web
  • Mutable File System
  • Verifying Storage on Filecoin


1 Proto School 2 DignifiedSilence


#YearOfTheFediverse,ProtoSchool,#tutorials, #ProtoSchool,#lessons,

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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Debian Academy update

As posted about on the 14th September I am involved in the DebianAcademy.

In addition making various related presentations in LaTeX / Beamer. I am currently working on a Moodle course how to do this.

So the LaTeX template, is being used as part of the course, and it can also be used as a basis for other presentations.

So far this is work in progress.

In other news I have submitted an article to the Torbay Weekly to promote the DebianAcademy and reach out to a few more potential contributors.

#debian,#teams,#academy,#education,torbayweekly,#moodle, #latex,#beamer,#course,#lessons,#article

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In an update to my previous post the learn LaTeX resource has now developed really nicely in to an excellent resource.

You can have a go at the exercises using Overleaf or the built in editor.

This resource is now progressing really nicely. Joseph Write did a presentation on this at Tug2020


You can ask questions on LaTeX forums here

If you do need some help then I can mostly be found on Qoto STEM focused Mastodon instance within the fediverse. I do login to the LaTeX forums from time to time. I seem to be on ScienceForums quite a lot these days discussing either Chemistry, Astronomy or Astrophysics.

Note: I am just trying to promote the above websites, I am hoping that my basic chemistry tutorial can complement.

#LaTeX, #learning, #lessons #typesetting, #document, #preparation, #academic, #writing, #journal

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Licenced under Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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In an update to my previous post the learn LaTeX resource is progressing really nicely.

This site is designed to give people a basic introduction to LaTeX, and it does a really good job of doing this. It also integrates with Oveleaf which which a really useful feature.


You can connect with me on LaTeX forums here

Note: I am just trying to promote the above websites, I am hoping that my basic chemistry tutorial can complement.

Happy to help give support people via IRC too.

#LaTeX, #learning, #lessons #typesetting, #document, #preparation, #academic, #writing, #journal

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Licenced under Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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Learn LaTeX is a new website that aims to give users enough information to get started.

It looks very good so far and hopefully will help build up skills in this area. It won't cover everything but doesn't need to. Hopefully some of my posts will also complement this website.

It is great to see so many fresh resources out there. With the upcoming release of TeX Live 2020 the timing for this could not have been better.


#LaTeX, #Learn, #typesetting, #lessons, #basics

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Licenced under Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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