Paul Sutton


EdX LaTeX course update

I have nearly finished the course, however I seem to have gone past the deadline so my audit period has expired. I just need to complete the section on referencing, indexing and cross-referencing.

To be fair, I can do the above anyway, I do get a little mixed up on cross-referencing, so this section would have been useful for that.

I will get in touch to see if this can be extended for a week or so, so that I can complete.l


  1. IITBombayX: LaTeX for Students, Engineers, and Scientists
  2. EdX
  3. IITBombayX



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EdX LaTeX course

I have signed up to the LaTeX course IITBombayX: LaTeX for Students, Engineers, and Scientists [1] on the EdX website [2]. I have provided a link to university of Bombay for reference [3]

Looking at the course learning outcomes, I seem to know quite a lot already, however I need to improve how I organise and layout documents.

A while back I undertook an experiment on Acidity of Seawater and how this can be changed with eggshells. I want to go back to the write-up and make it look a much more professional, which I should be able to do with the help of this course.

Post for here


  1. IITBombayX: LaTeX for Students, Engineers, and Scientists
  2. EdX
  3. IITBombayX



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Free 31 hour c++ course + IOS Development

  1. Learn C++ for beginners. This course will show you how to install the C++ programming language and start writing and running your code. You'll learn concepts like control flow, data handling, object oriented programming, pointers & references, polymorphism, and even some functional programming. (31 hour YouTube course):
  1. Learn iOS development by coding your own Netflix app. You'll use Swift 5 and UIkit to create a new Xcode project, customize the navigation bar, and access public APIs. (5 hour YouTube course):




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Essay and report writing skills

This is a repost

Hopefully reposting this here, will inspire people.

I completed Essay and report writing skills [3] with OpenLearn [2], earlier this year. This is part of the Open University [1]. In fact, this course mirrors a student tool kit book I have here, also from the OU. It is nice to have a printed and bound version.

Very useful course, lots of useful ideas, pointers to writing good essays and reports. Topics included structure, referencing, quotations,drafting, polishing and letting go. So probably just as applicable in the workplace as it is in the Academic world

I am looking forward to further study.

Course Certificate

The UK government want all adults to spend time learning. To this end have created the skills toolkit [4] to help adults find learning and development courses.

This is a great idea, provided that employers:-

  • Support employees in learning
  • Value any learning an employee undertakes
  • Value the commitment and work put in in order to learn new skills
  • Recognise employee achievements on their CV
  • See potential in their employee(s)


1 Open University 2 OpenLearn 3 Course Website 4 Skills toolkit


#Essay,#Report,#Writing,#Skills, #OpenUniversity,#OU,#OpenLearn,#Course,#E-learning,#Study, #YearOfTheFediverse,

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Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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Introduction to Deep learning

I found this on the Fediverse, which is a really good place to find interesting content. I am not being fed what some crappy AI / algorithm thinks that I may be interested in. I just follow the right people and happen across something interesting and engaging.

There are some really interesting people on there too.

This is a video series on “Introduction to Deep Learning”

170 Video Lectures from Adaptive Linear Neurons to Zero-shot Classification with Transformers

Original post is here




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Creative Commons Certification

This may be of interest to anyone who would like to gain a certificate to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of creative commons. Available as a 10 week course or a shorter, more intensive boot camp.

Feel free to discuss on the Discourse forum or on the Fediverse.




Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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Creative Commons Certification

This may be of interest to anyone who would like to gain a certificate to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of creative commons. Available as a 10 week course or a shorter, more intensive boot camp.

Feel free to discuss on the Discourse forum or on the Fediverse.




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Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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OpenLearn : Childhood in the digital age

I have just started a 12 hour OpenLearn course, Childhood in the digital age. However I really need to be working in a school to do this course as the first activity asks

What do you think? How might technology hinder children’s physical, social and cognitive development, and how might it provide exciting opportunities for learning?

Make a note of you thoughts at the start of this course. Use a notebook or digital notepad that you can refer back to at a later date.

So while I can answer the question. I would really like to answer this and other course activities, following discussion with children / young people and teachers, in order to help me answer this with an informed and evidence based approach.

I may therefore defer going any further until I am able to do this. Adds value to working as a TA if I can also use this as a way to help with OU Open Learn courses.

In the meantime I am open to offers of employment.



#OpenLearn,#OpenUniversity.#Course,#Childhood,#Technology, #OpenToWork,#LookingForEmployment.

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Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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Introduction to Infection Prevention and Control (IPC)

Just completed the above course with OpenWHO. Very interesting and also interesting to learn how complex infection control can be at a practical level.

WHO IPC Certificate

This is a free course, Very useful for anyone who is looking at moving in to Healthcare or related professions.




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Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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Essay and report writing skills

I have just completed a course on Essay and report writing skills [3] with OpenLearn [2], which is part of the Open University [1]. In fact, this course mirrors a student tool kit book I have here, also from the OU. It is nice to have a printed and bound version.

Very useful course, lots of useful ideas, pointers to writing good essays and reports. Topics included structure, referencing, quotations,drafting, polishing and letting go. So probably just as applicable in the workplace as it is in the Academic world

I am looking forward to further study.

Course Certificate

The UK government want all adults to spend time learning. To this end have created the skills toolkit [4] to help adults find learning and development courses.

This is a great idea, provided that employers:-

  • Support employees in learning
  • Value any learning an employee undertakes
  • Value the commitment and work put in in order to learn new skills
  • Recognise employee achievements on their CV
  • See potential in their employee(s)


1 Open University 2 OpenLearn 3 Course Website 4 Skills toolkit


#Essay,#Report,#Writing,#Skills, #OpenUniversity,#OU,#OpenLearn,#Course,#E-learning,#Study, #YearOfTheFediverse,

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Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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