Paul Sutton


Unsolved problems in cosmology

I decided to sign up to another free open learn course with the Open University. Unsolved problems in cosmology is an extract from a level 3 course, S385 Cosmology and the distant Universe.

After studying this course, you should be able to:

  • understand the basis of modern cosmology based on the hot big bang
  • summarise the main candidate dark matter particles, and the prospects for directly detecting them
  • compare models to explain the late-time acceleration of the Universe's expansion, i.e. dark energy and the cosmological constant
  • discuss observational prospects for understanding the nature of dark energy
  • explain the theoretical problems that led to the theory of inflation, how an early inflationary period solves them, and how researchers are investigating inflation.



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Which role models are best for STEM?

Just found this posted to Mastodon by Science Daily bot. May make interesting reading.

Citation info

Journal Reference:

Jessica R. Gladstone, Andrei Cimpian. Which role models are effective for which students? A systematic review and four recommendations for maximizing the effectiveness of role models in STEM. International Journal of STEM Education, 2021; 8 (1) DOI: 10.1186/s40594-021-00315-x



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Essay and report writing skills

This is a repost

Hopefully reposting this here, will inspire people.

I completed Essay and report writing skills [3] with OpenLearn [2], earlier this year. This is part of the Open University [1]. In fact, this course mirrors a student tool kit book I have here, also from the OU. It is nice to have a printed and bound version.

Very useful course, lots of useful ideas, pointers to writing good essays and reports. Topics included structure, referencing, quotations,drafting, polishing and letting go. So probably just as applicable in the workplace as it is in the Academic world

I am looking forward to further study.

Course Certificate

The UK government want all adults to spend time learning. To this end have created the skills toolkit [4] to help adults find learning and development courses.

This is a great idea, provided that employers:-

  • Support employees in learning
  • Value any learning an employee undertakes
  • Value the commitment and work put in in order to learn new skills
  • Recognise employee achievements on their CV
  • See potential in their employee(s)


1 Open University 2 OpenLearn 3 Course Website 4 Skills toolkit


#Essay,#Report,#Writing,#Skills, #OpenUniversity,#OU,#OpenLearn,#Course,#E-learning,#Study, #YearOfTheFediverse,

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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Alma Linux

AlmaLinux OS Sees First Stable Release as a Drop-In Replacement for CentOS Linux 8 – 9to5Linux




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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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Did you know there is a #libre alternative to #zoom respects privacy, can be self hosted.

Have a look at

#jitsimeet,#FreeSoftware,#Use,#Study,#Modify,#Share,#Meeting, #Video,#Voice,#Chat

4 Freedoms

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Essay and report writing skills

I have just completed a course on Essay and report writing skills [3] with OpenLearn [2], which is part of the Open University [1]. In fact, this course mirrors a student tool kit book I have here, also from the OU. It is nice to have a printed and bound version.

Very useful course, lots of useful ideas, pointers to writing good essays and reports. Topics included structure, referencing, quotations,drafting, polishing and letting go. So probably just as applicable in the workplace as it is in the Academic world

I am looking forward to further study.

Course Certificate

The UK government want all adults to spend time learning. To this end have created the skills toolkit [4] to help adults find learning and development courses.

This is a great idea, provided that employers:-

  • Support employees in learning
  • Value any learning an employee undertakes
  • Value the commitment and work put in in order to learn new skills
  • Recognise employee achievements on their CV
  • See potential in their employee(s)


1 Open University 2 OpenLearn 3 Course Website 4 Skills toolkit


#Essay,#Report,#Writing,#Skills, #OpenUniversity,#OU,#OpenLearn,#Course,#E-learning,#Study, #YearOfTheFediverse,

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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Numbers, units and arithmetic

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I have just completed the course 'Numbers, units and arithmetic' with Open Learn. This is an excellent 5 hour course and will be really useful going forward.

Well worth doing if you need a refresher as there are lots of worked examples and activities to have a go at to re-enforce learning.

You can of course, as with any OpenLearn course use this as a reference in the future if you need to revise or revisit how to do something. Full PDF of the course is also .




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Chemistry Help

I came across this website on the Fediverse as part of a thread on science. I had a look and it appears to be something could really help anyone studying Chemistry

A discussion that mentioned Atomic Orbitals led me to this page on the above website. This site has some nice simulations of topics that are included in the A'level Chemistry Syllabus.

There is also a website with a nice forum on science that I found too. This has a section on Chemistry and then sub forums for Organic, Inorganic and Physical chemistry.

$\LaTeX$ may also be of interest to Chemistry students as you can type set Chemical Formulae etc.

In a sort of related topic, I found a useful site that gives tips on technical writing, I am familiar with some of the ideas presented here, well mostly Constructivism by Jerome Bruner from studying the Supporting Learning in Primary Schools course with the Open University.

I am trying to follow some of this idea when writing instructional blog posts. Provide information on how I do things but put quite a lot of emphasis on the reader actually going away and researching topics. Everyone's system and circumstances are different.

#science, #chemistry, #study, #alevel, #help, #support, #websites, #forum, #simulation.

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I am currently working through another short OpenLearn course. This time I am exploring the constellation of Orion.

Having previously studied other Space science courses, some of the concepts are easier to understand, such as the lifecycle of stars.

Despite understanding the maths behind huge numbers. Distances such as 1 light year are massive : (ly) $$9.5 \times 10^{12} km. $$

The subsequent distance to the Orion Nebula which is 1600 light years. Therefore $$1600 \times 9.5 \times 10^{12} km $$.

I think, that this should be expressed as $$1.6 \times 9.5 \times 10^{15} km $$

Understandably it is difficult to imagine the sort of distances involved.

If you intend to study this course. I would recommend other courses first. Courses such as 'The Sun' may be a good starting point.

I am about ½ way through the second week of the course. Currently looking at the life cycle of a star beyond the main sequence phase, so this includes Red Giants, Brown / White dwarf, Supernova and black holes, or at least how and under what conditions these are formed.

You do need an astronomy package, to help with the course. This comes in more useful, if you don't have clear skies to observe Orion. I have discussed how to use the kstars package to find Orion in post yesterday (30/12/2019).

What I can take from this course, is some inspiration to write some posts about other constellations of the night sky.

References :

It may be beneficial to have a look at these courses before embarking on this longer course:

The Galaxies stars and planets course has a section on the scale of the universe, which is helpful to help you understand very large numbers.

#astronony, #study, #openuniversity, #openlearn, #free, #shortcourse, #orion

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