Paul Sutton


OpenLearn : Childhood in the digital age

I have just started a 12 hour OpenLearn course, Childhood in the digital age. However I really need to be working in a school to do this course as the first activity asks

What do you think? How might technology hinder children’s physical, social and cognitive development, and how might it provide exciting opportunities for learning?

Make a note of you thoughts at the start of this course. Use a notebook or digital notepad that you can refer back to at a later date.

So while I can answer the question. I would really like to answer this and other course activities, following discussion with children / young people and teachers, in order to help me answer this with an informed and evidence based approach.

I may therefore defer going any further until I am able to do this. Adds value to working as a TA if I can also use this as a way to help with OU Open Learn courses.

In the meantime I am open to offers of employment.



#OpenLearn,#OpenUniversity.#Course,#Childhood,#Technology, #OpenToWork,#LookingForEmployment.

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