Paul Sutton


New UN report highlights the scale of global climate change

Another article posted on Fediverse about the serious nature of climate change. As individuals there seems only a certain amount we can do, short of living off grid. So the question I asked on Science Forums [2] is “how many more reports are needed?”

In terms of recycling:

There seems to be a lot of initiatives out there but some local authorities in the UK seem unable to recycle some materials, I think the situation is improving.

There are some good ideas, such as turning face masks in to litter pickers [3] but this is in Cornwall, UK, I have not heard anything about this idea being rolled out nationally, but if it was, would that ideally need to be on a local level so the collection —> end product happens locally reducing the need for transporting materials and end products around?

1 Climate news now – Fediverse 2 Science Forum discussion 3 Hospital face masks find new life stopping plastic waste



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Covid 19 Origins

One of the early theories about Covid 19, was that it originated in a Wuhan market, where humans and animals were in close contact.

Recent research seems to have confirmed this. There are several mainstream media (newspaper) articles on this. I decided to try and find a more useful source. so this article on Web MD seems a good initial source.

I think the above articles are also peer reviewed, so they are a more credible source, plus it is far better to read the original articles / papers than news paper reports which end up inaccurate, if the Journalist is not a specialist or just in some case lazy and sloppy.

The sense about science website has some good information and advise with regard to asking for evidence for research purposes. Along with this is an excellent introduction to the peer review process, so well worth reading.

It is good, that we are finally seeing the results of actual research in to this, and while it probably won't put conspiracy theories to bed, it may influence policies etc that are hopefully based on researched based evidence.


#Covid19,#Origin,#Science,#PeerReview,#Papers,#Report,#Biology,#Virus, #Science,#SenseAboutScience

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Essay and report writing skills

This is a repost

Hopefully reposting this here, will inspire people.

I completed Essay and report writing skills [3] with OpenLearn [2], earlier this year. This is part of the Open University [1]. In fact, this course mirrors a student tool kit book I have here, also from the OU. It is nice to have a printed and bound version.

Very useful course, lots of useful ideas, pointers to writing good essays and reports. Topics included structure, referencing, quotations,drafting, polishing and letting go. So probably just as applicable in the workplace as it is in the Academic world

I am looking forward to further study.

Course Certificate

The UK government want all adults to spend time learning. To this end have created the skills toolkit [4] to help adults find learning and development courses.

This is a great idea, provided that employers:-

  • Support employees in learning
  • Value any learning an employee undertakes
  • Value the commitment and work put in in order to learn new skills
  • Recognise employee achievements on their CV
  • See potential in their employee(s)


1 Open University 2 OpenLearn 3 Course Website 4 Skills toolkit


#Essay,#Report,#Writing,#Skills, #OpenUniversity,#OU,#OpenLearn,#Course,#E-learning,#Study, #YearOfTheFediverse,

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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First look at the IPCC climate report

An interesting article [1] examining the recent IPCC [2] report on climate change, highlighting six of the most important takeaways from this. The full report is at [3] while I have set up a discussion on discourse at [4]


1 First look at Climate Change Report 2 The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 3 Sixth Assessment report 4. Discourse Discussion



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Essay and report writing skills

I have just completed a course on Essay and report writing skills [3] with OpenLearn [2], which is part of the Open University [1]. In fact, this course mirrors a student tool kit book I have here, also from the OU. It is nice to have a printed and bound version.

Very useful course, lots of useful ideas, pointers to writing good essays and reports. Topics included structure, referencing, quotations,drafting, polishing and letting go. So probably just as applicable in the workplace as it is in the Academic world

I am looking forward to further study.

Course Certificate

The UK government want all adults to spend time learning. To this end have created the skills toolkit [4] to help adults find learning and development courses.

This is a great idea, provided that employers:-

  • Support employees in learning
  • Value any learning an employee undertakes
  • Value the commitment and work put in in order to learn new skills
  • Recognise employee achievements on their CV
  • See potential in their employee(s)


1 Open University 2 OpenLearn 3 Course Website 4 Skills toolkit


#Essay,#Report,#Writing,#Skills, #OpenUniversity,#OU,#OpenLearn,#Course,#E-learning,#Study, #YearOfTheFediverse,

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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LaTeX and Overleaf – Changing the compiler

A question came up on IRC earlier about Overleaf, LaTeX and compiling to use the \usepackage{arabluatex} package.

I suggested that it is possible to change the compiler to use LuaTeX and made the following video to help others with this

#Overleaf,#LaTeX,#compiler,#pdfLaTeX,XeLaTeX,LuaLaTeX, #typesetting,#troubleshooting,#tech,#science,#document, #report,#writing,#author,#authoring #thesis,#creative,#creating

Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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Collaboration with Overleaf

I attended the Overleaf Effective Collaboration webinar on Wednesday 20th May. This proved, once again to be very informative, useful and complements the other webinars nicely.

This webinar, specifically covered the features available to the different users of the system, the main difference with the free accounts includes the number of user who can collaborate and version history tracking.

I recently came across an excellent Overleaf curated article / report from 2017 on The Connected Culture of Collaboration Report

The document (pdf) can be downloaded free from the website and there is a citation guide too, if this is needed for your own articles or papers.

The webinar will be available on demand in due course.


#LaTeX, #overleaf, #collaboration, #report, #digital, #science,#writing,#publishing

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