Paul Sutton


Supporting student collaboration

This is a really interesting article on supporting student collaboration.

How to set up opportunities for student collaboration that sets them up for success

You can read the article here



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Collaboration with Overleaf

I attended the Overleaf Effective Collaboration webinar on Wednesday 20th May. This proved, once again to be very informative, useful and complements the other webinars nicely.

This webinar, specifically covered the features available to the different users of the system, the main difference with the free accounts includes the number of user who can collaborate and version history tracking.

I recently came across an excellent Overleaf curated article / report from 2017 on The Connected Culture of Collaboration Report

The document (pdf) can be downloaded free from the website and there is a citation guide too, if this is needed for your own articles or papers.

The webinar will be available on demand in due course.


#LaTeX, #overleaf, #collaboration, #report, #digital, #science,#writing,#publishing

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