Paul Sutton


Audio amp

A few months ago, I found a circuit diagram to build a simple audio amplifier circuit with the LM386 chip.

The circuit and further details can be found here, while my completed project is below.

audio amp

The project works, but seems a little crackly in places, So I need to investigate further.




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Tor Project Employment Vacancies

I decided to share this as the Tor Project is still looking for people to help with the project. These are PAID opportunities even though there are plenty of Volunteer opportunities too.

Details of the latest vacancies can be found here

You can also follow the Tor project on Mastodon as well as other social media and communication platforms. Details are on their contact page.

Hope this helps


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Updated Debian 10: 10.9 released

The Debian Project
March 27th, 2021

The Debian project is pleased to announce the ninth update of its stable
distribution Debian 10 (codename "buster"). This point release mainly
adds corrections for security issues, along with a few adjustments for
serious problems. Security advisories have already been published
separately and are referenced where available.


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Open Street Map

OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open licence.

Open Street Map is a great project that anyone can get involved with, using open data so mapping data can be used freely in accordance with the terms on the website.

Embedded maps are also interactive

View Larger Map

I am in the process of finding local attractions, business etc and adding links to their websites. This hopefully helps with promotion and helps the website develop generally.



Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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IoT E-Ink Advent Calendar

This is pretty cool.

Posted to by blitzcitydiy

#adafruit,#magtag,#xmas,#project,#countdown,#circuitpython, #e-ink,#electronics

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LaTeX project update

The fall 2020 LaTeX release is available

This release introduces a number of important enhancements.


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Overleaf Webinar write up from 09/7/2020

I attended another Webinar presented by Overleaf, the cloud based, collaborative text editor.

This webinar focused on “Organizing and Managing your Overleaf Projects”.

Again really well presented and it covered project ownership, and the rights this gives you, e.g you can't rename a project that has been shared with you.

Also covered folders and tags, the differences between project archiving and deletion. Along with more about what is found on the dashboard, searching for projects for example. Well worth taking a look at in the previous webinar recordings.

In the meantime there is a TUG virtual conference near the end of July (24th –> 26th). Please see link below for details.

Next webinar

The next Webinar is on 30th July and will cover How to Create Professional Looking Documents In-House.


#Overleaf,#LaTeX,#Webinar,#organise,#project,#management, #typesetting,#document,#documents

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Overleaf Webinar 09th July 2020

Today overleaf covers Organizing and Managing your Overleaf Projects

Date : Thursday 09 July Times (UTC): 1:00pm ET/5:00pm UTC/10:00am PT Times (GMT): 18:00 to 18:30

Sign up for free here

#Overleaf, #webinar, #files, #organise, #project, #management

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Scratch : Share projects

By default, Scratch projects are set to private. This means that only you can edit them. This feature helps to keep users safe. However the very nature of Scratch is collaborative and you are encouraged to share, but remember to be safe while you are sharing, Ask a grown up first.

To share your new project:

  1. Fill in the name box next to the orange share button.
  2. Click the orange share button.

share scratch projects

Don't worry if you forget to give your project a name, clicking on the share button brings up this screen.

share scratch projects

Adding to a studio

Method 1

From the above screen you will see there is an Add to studio button near the bottom right

Method 2

If you click on your name in the corner, click my stuff you are then taken to this screen, where you can share your project with a studio you are following.

share scratch projects

share scratch projects

You do this by clicking Add to and selecting the studio from the list.

#scratch, #share, #project, #howto

cc-by logo

Licenced under Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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IRC bot development

I have been working on some more projects around IRC chat bots. I decided to try and integrate a Magic 8 ball project so that an IRC bot would give a random response, chosen from a pre- defined set within the code (can be changed) when the bot is sent an instruction in my IRC channel.


This project builds on some of the code covered in my Minecraft Pi bot project. Mostly the base code from the Linux Voice article.

The code is currently being tested in ##zleap on Freenode.

At the moment magic8 can be sent the following commands:-

  • !umame – returns output of uname -a
  • !uptime – returms system uptime
  • !help – displays list of options
  • !botexit – bot quits irc channel,
  • !magic8 – returns random text
  • !ping – returns pong (used to check the bot is working, left in for legacy
  • !web – returns my own web address (this website) but can be changed
  • !sdtj – returns web address for the South Devon Tech Jam


uname and uptime are Linux / Unix commands, it is therefore assumed you are running on a GNU / Linux system.

I have created a welcome message from the bot, so when it joins it says hello, also says goodbye if !botexit is sent.


  • Make the code Python 3
  • Add more options
  • Keep it tidy

Help and Contribute

Feel free to fork the project and make improvements and further customization. Perhaps discuss further on IRC or via social media e.g Mastodon.


#python, #development, #irc, #application, #bot, #magic8, #network,#sockets #irc, #project,#github, #chat, #responses, #magic8

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