Paul Sutton


English Riviera Bike Nights

English Riviera Bike Nights

Paignton Seafront, The Esplanade, Paignton, Devon, TQ4 6ED

Opening Dates and Times

  • English Riviera Bike Nights
  • Dates 1 May 2024 – 25 Sept 2024
  • Wednesday evenings



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Astro events

Over the summer, there is going to be a significant astronomical event. that will take place in the constellation of Corona Borealis. The event is in fact a nova, and not a supernova. I asked on the Fediverse to clarity what is going to happen.

Just making this post so I can also share some related links to help clarify the difference between the various types of Nova event.




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STEM Group 24th February 2024 Write Up

Today we had an update from Helen with her Advanced Lego car, this is going really well and can find objects and now turns to avoid them. It can also display information on orientation on a small LCD.

feb 24th

After giving the hot glue gun a quick clean and repair. This photo is posed as the glue gun is still plugged in.

feb 24th

We carried on with building the cars, we have been trying to build for the last few sessions. The main issue is lack of suitable resources and having to use bottle tops for wheels, kebab sticks for axels and then trying to fit it all together, when we also have either faulty or unsuitable switches, some don't work properly,, and along with motors have been soldered up too many times.

feb 24th

I also checked on my Copper Sulfate crystals I started last week, the liquid has now evaporated leaving some crystals in the dish, not ideal, but I need a much better way to do all this.

feb 24th

Next event

Saturday 9th March 2024



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STEM Group 24th February 2024

The next Stem group event will take place on :

Date: Saturday Feb 24th 2024 Time: 10:30am to 15:00 Location: Paignton Library and Information Centre Room: 12

Please remember you need to bring your OWN resources such as wire, solder, glue sticks, components etc.

We can carry on with :-

  • Robot car projects
  • Have a look at the results of dropping a gummy sweet in to Vinegar
  • Hopefully have a look at some Copper Sulfate crystals, I set this up on 17/2/2024
  • Coding activities can still take place in the IT learning centre
  • What ever else people bring along to the event.




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STEM Group 10th February 2024 Write up

So today there were a total of 4 people who attended, Helen demonstrated various robots made from Lego. We also carried on making the poor man version with scraps of card, scraps of wire, motors and milk bottle tops. This method is NOT working, but it is ALL we have access to.


Cardboard Car 1


Cardboard Car 2


Lego car 1

This robot is mega advanced, has the ability to range find so it knows where it is in relation to obstacles, has a build in IP camera, and can move, by next meeting more features will be added. It also uses an IR remote control.

Something to aim for when you start building projects.


Lego car 2

This robot car just moves very fast across the room.

We also tried to do more chemistry but ended up just adding vinegar to bicarbonate of Soda.

I will try and get the Lego We do sorted out for next time, as I need time to pick up the Tablets, then will need help to get them to connect to the Lego via Bluetooth, which I struggle with.

Next Stem group meeting is on Saturday 24th Feb at Paignton Library, room 12, between 10:30 and 15:00.



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STEM Group 10th February 2024

The next Stem group event will take place on :

Date: Saturday Feb 10th 2024 Time: 10:30am to 15:00 Location: Paignton Library and Information Centre Room: 12

We will probably carry on with the robot car we have been working on and see what people bring with them to showcase.

Please remember you need to bring your OWN resources such as wire, solder, glue sticks, components etc.




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LibrePlanet 2024

We now have more details of the 2024 LibrePlanet conference, presented by the Free Software Foundation.


More details will be available in due course.




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Barnstaple Raspberry Pi jam

The Raspberry Pi Jam is this week, Saturday 2nd October, 10-12 pm. This is half an hour earlier than it used to be back in pre-Covid times.

Just to remind you what happens:

It is a drop-in session as always so you can stay as long or short as you wish. Children over 8 years old can be left but parents are welcome to stay. There will be refreshments for which there is a voluntary contribution. Please bring your Raspberry Pi if you have one or any other tech/code project you are working on. If you don't have a Pi, don't worry, we have some to share.

We are still encouraging people to be Covid safe by wearing a mask.

Hope to see some of you there.

Best wishes

Matt Chamings


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Scismic Careers Fair

I attended the Scismic virtual careers fair yesterday (21st July). Excellent event and really useful. I am not looking for biotech jobs, but I did find the CV work shop useful, esp scanning through CVs to pick out key words / skills etc.

Looking forward to future events, workshops, webinars etc.




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Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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South Devon Tech Jam May 2021

South Devon Tech Jam


Date Saturday 8th May 2021 Time 11am –> 14:00

Free signup via meetup

Or if you prefer not to use meetup then you can e-mail info AT sdtj DOT org DOT uk for more information.

This is a virtual event, and will be hosted on a EU/UK based instance of Big Blue Button. Link and information will be sent out to attendees.


#SouthDevonTechJam,#Event,#Virtual, #TechJam,#STEM,#Computing,#Engineering,#BigBlueButton,#YearOfTheFediverse,


I have made a new blog post with instructions to help people connect. This can be found here


There is a TEST LOGIN here which may be useful to help test your set up works ok. THIS IS NOT THE MEETING LINK

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