Paul Sutton


Intuitive Lunar Lander

“Intuitive Machines' IM-1 mission made history on Feb. 22, with the first successful Moon landing*

This will be the first of several missions before the next Atemis mission to fly a crewed mission around the moon, before the Artemis III mission to land humans on the moon in a few years.

Exciting times ahead. You can read more about the IM-1 mission here



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NASA Psyche Mission.

NASAs JSL next mission is to an interesting and perhaps unique Asteroid. Due to launch on October 12. The Psyche mission is a journey to a unique metal-rich asteroid orbiting the Sun between Mars and Jupiter.

Launch now scheduled for the 13th October


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Artemis 2 training

With the 2024 Artemis 2 mission fast approaching, the mission teams are hard at work training for this important mission to fly humans around the moon and return safely to Earth. Read more here



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Euclid space telescope sends back first images

The Euclid space telescope has now sent back it's first images. As reported in New Scientist on 31 July 2023. You can read the full article here

So all good stuff, The telescope can exmine both visible and infrared light.



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NASA Solar storm warning

This is pretty scary stuff, solar storms are known to be a high risk to technology on Earth. Looks like if anything happens we won't get much of a warning, We'd Have a 30-Minute Warning Before a Killer Solar Storm Hits Earth

Something to consider.




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Astronomy updates

A few updates from the world of Astronomy, these were published last week, just that my blog has lots of stuff scheduled.

Both the following are interesting:-

James Webb

We can discuss further on science forums.


Just added this on 2/5/2023

In other news it is also #BlackHoleWeek, so if you head over to NASAs Black home basics page there is loads of useful information on the the subject. Be sure to follow NASA on the Fediverse too.



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JUICE Jupiter mission launch attempt 2

Due to the weather, yesterdays JUICE launch was scrubbed, they will attempt another launch today.

The ESA Juice mission is due to launch on Friday April 14th. According to the launch time is around 12:15 GMT.




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Watch JUICE Jupiter mission launch today

The ESA Juice mission is due to launch on Thursday April 13th. According to the launch time is around 12:15 GMT.




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JUICE Jupiter mission launch on April 13?

The ESA Juice mission is due to launch on Thursday April 13th. According to the launch time is around 12:15 GMT.




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NASA Citizen Science

This is something attendees at the STEM group could get involved with and use the group as a meet point to discuss projects and ideas being worked on.

Lets put Torbay on the map by building an active science community

Citizen Science Projects

NASA’s citizen science projects are collaborations between scientists and interested members of the public. Through these collaborations, volunteers (known as citizen scientists) have helped make thousands of important scientific discoveries. More than 410 NASA citizen scientists have been named as co-authors on refereed scientific publications. Want to work on some real NASA science? Click on one of the 34 projects below to get started. NASA citizen science projects are open to everyone around the world, not limited to U.S. citizens or residents. Projects with the
icon can be done by anyone, anywhere, with just a cellphone or laptop. 

If you're note quite ready for this yet, then perhaps form a community so we can help each other build the skills and support each other.



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