CyberSecurity part 3

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So as mentioned, I will be sharing a series of 8 videos that cover different topics on using the command line shell (BASH).

Note: Not all the commands covered in this BASH series will work, partly as it seems some are not included in the vfsync system.

Note 2 Also worth saying that vfsync using the sh shell and not the bash shell. This is more of a workaround, to provide shell access.

If you are concerned about privacy, I have included the invidious link below too.


So some of the commands covered in this video include:- * cal – calendar * man – man pages * clear – clear screen * pwd – print / present working directory * ls – list storage * ls -a show hdd * files prefixed with a period . are hidden * ls -a -l (-l is long format, more information) * cd – change directory cd no argument – back to home * e,g cd Music * mkdir – make directory (mkdir junk) * absolute and relative paths * absolute – path from root of file system /home/user/junk * relative – path from where you are now e.g cd Music * pushd and popd – go back and forth between folders (see video for details ) so pushd /home/user/music/pop from /home/user switches to the pop directory, using popd goes back to where you were before e.g /home/user * touch filename * touch file2 file3 * touch file1 (existing file) will update the date / time stamps * rm filename – deletes a file * mv filename newfilename – * can also move a file : mv file1 /home/user/junk/files/ * rmdir – remove directory * rm -r – recursive

Shell -

Linux directory structure

directories and folders (interchangeable)

dir struc Cite

explanation of /etc /dev /home /usr /var folders and their related subfolder.

/usr – universal system resources




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