CyberSecurity part 6

So on to video 4 of 8, I will maintain the login link so that you don't need to go hunting back through previous posts.




Find command allows you to find:-

man pages

man is short for manual, we cam use this to view the manual pages for commands e.g :-

On a similar note there are also info pages, which are another source of information.

If we want to find programs we can use the which command which outputs the path to a particular program.

Command : which htop Output : /use/bin/htop

Finding files

find -name junk.txt will find and display the path to the junk.txt file

As a normal user you can also search for files such as fstab, however as this is owned by root you will get permission errors.

Find text within files

grep (GNU Regular Expression Parser)

grep nano junk.txt so here we have command string to search for file to look in

we can direct the output of this with

grep nano junk.txt > grep.txt

will search junk.txt for the string nano, the direct the output to the file grep.txt



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