CyberSecurity part 5

So on to video 3 of 8, I will maintain the login link so that you don't need to go hunting back through previous posts.




Video starts off correcting an error from the first video, presenter forgot to cover the copy (cp) command, this is discussed at the start of the video.

Example 1 – make a backup of a file

cp file1.txt file2.bak.txt

Example 2 – Copy a file to home directory

Lets say we are in /home/user/junk (like in the video):-

cp file1.txt ~/ will copy to home directory. You can use cd,, to drop down a level in the file system to /home/user to confirm this.

Also use wildcards e.g

cp *.txt will copy any files with .txt as the extension.

User permissions

chmod – change mod using sudo on its own has a time out sudo -s assumes the root user to root until you type exit

root user has a # normal users have $

changing owner permissions

chown – change owner

chown user:group file.txt

You need to be root for this so use sudo chown user:group file.txt



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