CyberSecurity part 5
So on to video 3 of 8, I will maintain the login link so that you don't need to go hunting back through previous posts.
- Bash Basics Part 3 of 8 | Privileges and Permissions. 30 mins
- Bash Basics Part 3 of 8 | Privileges and Permissions. – invideous
Video starts off correcting an error from the first video, presenter forgot to cover the copy (cp) command, this is discussed at the start of the video.
Example 1 – make a backup of a file
cp file1.txt file2.bak.txt
Example 2 – Copy a file to home directory
Lets say we are in /home/user/junk (like in the video):-
cp file1.txt ~/ will copy to home directory. You can use cd,, to drop down a level in the file system to /home/user to confirm this.
Also use wildcards e.g
cp *.txt will copy any files with .txt as the extension.
User permissions
chmod – change mod using sudo on its own has a time out sudo -s assumes the root user to root until you type exit
root user has a # normal users have $
changing owner permissions
chown – change owner
chown user:group file.txt
You need to be root for this so use sudo chown user:group file.txt
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