CyberSecurity part 7

So on to video 5 of 8, I will maintain the login link so that you don't need to go hunting back through previous posts.




Not all of these will work with vfsync.

Add user accounts with adduser To drop to that user from your account su – bob (the hyphen is important display groups for a user su -c 'groups' bob

other commands mentioned include :-

useradd – adds user to a grop gropdel / delgroup – manage groups deluser – delete user

All these are covered in man pages

change user password

sudo passwd bob

lock a user out of their account : sudo passwd -l bob – unlock a user account : sudo passwd -u bob

delete a user

sudo deluser bob will only remove a user, to remove their files use

cd /home ls rmdir -r bob (use recursive with extreme caution)

When you set up a user, you add info, this is called finger information, if you need to change this, then you can use the chfn command with

sudo chfn user

Again this is just a summary and should be used in combination with the video.



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