Paul Sutton


Bash videos part 2

My first post on this was back on the 7th September. Since then I have made a few more videos and posted to my peertube account.

Any questions, you can e-mail me or follow me on Mastodon

I am also re posting some links posts that link to the learning the BASH shell videos.

BASH Basics 1 BASH Basics 2 BASH Basics 3 BASH Basics 4 BASH Basics 5 BASH Basics 6 BASH Basics 7 BASH Basics 8 * Bash Scripting tutorial – free code camp



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Networking and SSh

I have decided to republish these links as there are a few people on the Fediverse who work or are involved in InfoSec and CyberSecurity.

These videos are a starting point for understanding networking and also SSH which allows remote login to remote computer.

So next up are the links to the videos on Networking and another video on OpenSSH (SSH being Secure SHell of course.

I am reposting links to previous blog posts that looked at these topics:-

I can be contacted on Fediverse / mastodon, search for



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NANO and Shell scripting

I have decided to republish these links as there are a few people on the Fediverse who work or are involved in InfoSec and CyberSecurity. These videos are a starting point as it is very useful to understand how to use the GNU/Linux command line along with related tools in general.

You may find the links on the BASH Basics post useful

I am reposting links to previous blog posts that looked at these topics:-

I can be contacted on Fediverse / mastodon, search for



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ShellCon 2020

ShellCon 2020 takes place 9th – 10th October 2020

ShellCon is an information security conference that is held annually in the beautiful beach cities of Los Angeles. Our conference is a growing event that creates an atmosphere of open communication, collaboration, and connection. We value community, technical knowledge, and getting your hands dirty. Presentations and events at the con will have a focus on practicality and real-world applications. We want you to walk away from ShellCon with an itch to try what you just learned and the knowledge to do so



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