CyberSecurity part 9
So on to video 7 of 8, I will maintain the login link so that you don't need to go hunting back through previous posts.
Bash Basics Part 7 of 8 | System Administration Tools 35 mins
Bash Basics Part 7 of 8 | System Administration Tools – Invideous 35 mins
- free & free -h
- df & df -h
- du & du | les
- watch – real time monitoring
- watch free -h – ctrl q to quit
- dmesg – kernel actions, lots of output so...
- dmesg | tail
- to view the last entries in syslog
- tail / var/log/syslog
- tail / var/log/syslog > syslog.txt – redirect to a file
- System d
- journalctrl – displays messages from boot
- top – display processes etc
- htop – as above but nicer program with more control
- killall – kills a process
- Network
- video uses ifconfig, which is depreciated so ..
- ip addr show – will show your ip and network info
- video uses ifconfig, which is depreciated so ..
- ping – tests a website or computer is up
- ping
- ping ipaddress e.g ping
- Mounting file systems
- lsblk – lists block devices
- sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt – mounts a device (note this is the example from the video)
- sudo umount /dev/sda2 – unmounts a device
- sudo fdisk -l – display info on devices
- sudo blkid – lists devices and uuid info
- uname -a – lists system info e,.g kernel version and architecture
- history – display command history
- history | less or
- history 10
- pressing tab after a partly typed command auto completes e.g :
- his produces
- history
- cal displays calender
- Disk defrag, as video says this may not be needed, but IS useful if needed
- sudo ex4defrag /home -c this checks to see if you need to defrag – degrag s only for older hard disks, does not work on solid state devices
- sudo reboot – will reboot the system
- sudo shutdown -r – will reboot
- sudo shutdown -h halts the system
- sudo shutdown -t 20 – sets a 20 minute timer
- sudo shutdown -c cancels the shutdown timer
Again, all these commands do have a related man page.
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