Paul Sutton


Ditch summit session 3

So attended my first session at the 2024 Ditch summit, video discussion on Cautious Steps Toward AI Implementation in Education with Ken Shelton and Dee Lanier.

The videos of the sessions will be up until the 10th January

Excellent conversation and some really valid points raised about bias, and how we define for example cheating and ways we can address this by reframing how we do approach tasks, such as reframe cheating as potentially compromising learning.



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Ditch summit session 2

So attended my first session at the 2024 Ditch summit, video discussion on How to ACE Student AI Literacy in Schools with Holly Clark.

The videos of the sessions will be up until the 10th January.

Once you register you have access to the pre recoded sessions, This session was a discussion between Matt Miller (host) and Holly Clark

Some excellent points raised, including how to critique information generated, ideas on how to differentiate if an image is AI generated, The signs an article may be AI generated. Being able to evaluate if an article is Ai generated is also important when undertaking research for essays or reading the news for example.

The above skills are taught by school anyway when it comes to research skills, so we are applying and adapting critical thinking skills to evaluating AI.

As this is evolving technology, it was also suggested the learning journey is shared by the teachers and students ( I would guess teaching assistants should really be part of this process too ). However, teachers need to understand AI so that they can provide students with a safe environment to explore AI, the possibilities and risks associated with AI.

I found the discussion very useful and will try and share some of my notes with teachers if I can.



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Ditch summit session 1

So attended my first session at the 2024 Ditch summit, video discussion on Inquiry based learning with Trevor Mackenzie. This was fascinating and looked at how we can get students to ask questions and develop curiosity as part of their learning, and how this approach can be adapted across different age groups. The videos of the sessions will be up until the 10th January.

Once you register you have access to the pre recoded sessions, This session was a discussion between Matt Miller (host) and Trevor Mackenzie.

This format is great, as it seems to avoid many of the issues with live sessions which can be hampered with technical issues, that have a real knock effect post conferences if there is no access to the material presented.



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Libreplanet videos

The talk videos from the Libreplanet conference 2024 are now online.

LP 2024 sponsors




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LibrePlanet 2024 – Schedule

Latest info for Libreplanet 2024

Location : Wentworth Institute of Technology, Boston, MA & online Dates : May 4 & 5, 2024 Website : LibrePlanet 2024 Schedule : Schedule
IRC : webchat 1. Enter a nickname 2. Channel : #libreplanet 3. Press Start


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LibrePlanet 2024

We now have more details of the 2024 LibrePlanet conference, presented by the Free Software Foundation.


More details will be available in due course.




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Understanding the Atmospheric Effects of Spacecraft Re-entry

This was posted to the Fediverse. The original post from COSPAR, The Committee on Space Research (COSPAR): can be found here

This is an upcoming workshop looking at the environmental impact of spacecraft reentry in to the Earths Atmosphere.

This workshop will address the impact of spacecraft re-entry on the atmosphere. The aim is to bring together atmospheric chemists and physicists, material experts, the space industry, and international space research related organizations to highlight the gaps in our understanding of the modelling and how we can improve testing to obtain relevant data and suggest appropriate mitigation and regulatory measures. 

This sounds like a fascinating area of research and discussion, as any exploration of space needs to take into account any environmental impacts.

Understanding the Atmospheric Effects of Spacecraft Re-entry (10-11 January 2024): Overview · Indico at ESA / ESTEC

Workshop information

It will be interesting to learn about the findings and conclusions from this, as it will open up further discussion on the topic(s) raised.




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Emacs Conf 2023

EmacsConf 2023 December 2nd and 3rd 2020 | Online Conference

The conference is from ~9:00 AM - 5:00 PM EST (US/Eastern) / ~8:00 AM - 4:00 PM CST (US/Central) / ~7:00 AM - 3:00 PM MST (US/Mountain) / ~6:00 AM - 2:00 PM PST (US/Pacific) / ~2:00 PM - 10:00 PM UTC / ~3:00 PM - 11:00 PM CET (Europe/Paris) / ~4:00 PM - 12:00 AM EET (Europe/Athens) / ~7:30 PM - 3:30 AM IST (Asia/Kolkata) / ~10:00 PM - 6:00 AM +08 (Asia/Singapore) / ~11:00 PM - 7:00 AM JST (Asia/Tokyo).


#conference,#emacs,#2023,#editor,#software,#gnu,#fsf, #freesoftware

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SeaGL 2023


This years, SeaGL conference takes place November 3rd & 4th, 2023




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LibrePlanet 2024 – call for sessions extended

call for sessions

Conference dates : To Be confirmed, March 2024

Updated on 18/10/2023 : You can now register to attend

Updated 24/10/2023

This has been extended until November 17th



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