Ditch summit session 2
So attended my first session at the 2024 Ditch summit, video discussion on How to ACE Student AI Literacy in Schools with Holly Clark.
The videos of the sessions will be up until the 10th January.
Once you register you have access to the pre recoded sessions, This session was a discussion between Matt Miller (host) and Holly Clark
Some excellent points raised, including how to critique information generated, ideas on how to differentiate if an image is AI generated, The signs an article may be AI generated. Being able to evaluate if an article is Ai generated is also important when undertaking research for essays or reading the news for example.
The above skills are taught by school anyway when it comes to research skills, so we are applying and adapting critical thinking skills to evaluating AI.
As this is evolving technology, it was also suggested the learning journey is shared by the teachers and students ( I would guess teaching assistants should really be part of this process too ). However, teachers need to understand AI so that they can provide students with a safe environment to explore AI, the possibilities and risks associated with AI.
I found the discussion very useful and will try and share some of my notes with teachers if I can.
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