Paul Sutton


Possible Gravitational wave detected by LIGO

This is quoted from a Mastodon post from the MPI for Gravitational Physics

Last night, the two @LIGO detectors observed the second gravitational-wave candidate of the day.

The possible signal with the preliminary designation S250205ee most likely originates – if it is real – from the merger of two black holes.

It occurred at a (luminosity) distance of 9.4 billion light-years.

This brings the total number of significant signal candidates identified in the fourth joint observation run of the international detector network to 190. One (GW230529) has already been fully analyzed and published. The others will also be carefully examined and then published if confirmed.

#GravitationalWaves #S250205ee #O4IsHere #astronomy #astrophysics #BlackHoles #physics

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LISA – the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna

This is another upcoming project, which will see a huge space based laser antenna created to help in the search for gravitational waves.

You can read more about this here it may be possible to invite someone to the STEM group to talk more about the science behind this.

I think the LIGO project is similar to this. There is certainly a lot of interest in Gravitational waves at the moment.



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Search for gravitational waves set to resume

Search for gravitational waves set to resume following COVID-19 setbacks

Physics world have reported that the The LIGO–Virgo–KAGRA will resume. They are looking for gravitational waves. You can read the full article here. Back in 2021, there was a talk at FOSDEM about Virgo which I made a post about on 7/3/2021.

There is some info on Ligo at the STEM group, which I can re-display if anyone is interested.



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Gravitational-wave observatory amasses discoveries

Interesting article from Astronomy magazine Gravitational wave observatory amasses discoveries

Could make a good discussion at the next STEM group meeting on the 13th August as I have some resources on LIGO we can take a look at.



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