Code Club 17/9/2022 Write up

Really good and productive session today. After some initial scratch work, and some Rocks and Diamonds level creation, we moved on to the topic of game design.

As we have access to Blender, a 3d graphics package, which can also handle animation etc. We can hopefully start to look at this as an activity for longer term. A good few of the attendees seem to be interested in learning more about this. So this is a topic for the next code club meeting on 1st October.

I highly recommand that attendees bring a USB memory stick for saving work / projects. We can't save work to the Library computers, saving work to a cloud service is do-able, but this is sometimes tripped up as due to logging in from a different IP address than normal.



#CodeClub,#Blender,#Scratch,#RocksAndDiamonds,#Coding, #GameDesign

Next session

Please contact Paignton Library for details.

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