Paul Sutton


Diverse organic-mineral associations in Jezero crater, Mars

The rover that just keeps giving, so looks like “NASA's Perseverance Mars rover discovers more evidence of building blocks of life on Mars.”.

This is from the original Fediverse post by Natalie Davis

NASA's Perseverance Mars rover discovers more evidence of building blocks of life on Mars. Although the organic molecules were not necessarily the products of biological processes, it does raise the chances Mars once had life and could indicate we're looking in the right place.

So exciting stuff, the full article in Nature can be found here

So we are finding more evidence Mars may once have had life. If you want to learn more about some of the basic building blocks of life and how we go about finding these, please check a previous post about the Mumbai University Astrobiology course videos

In the mean time feel free to ask on Fedi or on Science forums.


#Mars #Perseverance #life #astronomy #astrophysics #astrodon #space #science

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Extraterrestrial life paper from

Another interesting paper on extra terrestrial life. I was not aware of the term 'Terminator Zone' till today. Posted to fedi by Mikko Tuomi :



I will see if I can download the paper, and add it to my reading list, but we are learning all the time.

So looking at the “terminator zone,” which is a ring on planets that have one side that always faces its star and one side that is always dark. “.



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Work/Life Balance in Biotech – Webinar

August 17th 2021

work life balance


I attended this on the 17 August, as with previous events, this wss really interesting. Looking at some useful hints on how to strike a good balance and ensuing people look after themselves and others at work. A useful discussion on strategies people can use. I posted a link to the perfectionism video which may be helpful.

Worker mental health is essential and key to being more productive. So another thank you to the Scismic team

Looking forward to the next event.


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15,000-year-old viruses discovered in Tibetan glacier ice

Another interesting article from Science Daily [1] [2]

    Scientists who study glacier ice have found viruses nearly 15,000 years old in two ice samples taken from the Tibetan Plateau in China. Most of those viruses, which survived because they had remained frozen, are unlike any viruses that have been cataloged to date. 

So if life can exist in these extreme environments on Earth, could life also exist on other planets, moons in the solar system or Exoplanets and or Exomoons around other stars that have similar conditions.

“These are viruses that would have thrived in extreme environments,” said Matthew Sullivan, co-author of the study, professor of microbiology at Ohio State and director of Ohio State’s Center of Microbiome Science

So while the question of life out side of Earth is not the subject of this paper it does, for me at least, prompts the question could those conditions support life (even viruses) under any frozen surfaces.

I have created a discourse discussion for this [3]. The article is under Biology.

There is also a link here and on discourse to an explanation of 'habitable zone' means. [4] so this states “neither too hot nor too cold”


1 Science Daily 2 Article Link 3 Discourse Link 4 Habitable zome



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Earth-like biospheres on other planets may be rare

This is an interesting article on Science Daily. Seems that the conditions on Earth could be far rarer than we think. [1] So we are looking for Earth Like atmospheres, the JWST will really help push this research forward.

Please feel free to discuss further on discourse [2]l. I have also included a link to a infographc, on atmosphere composition in our own solar system [3]

Comment and questions on this.

I just wondered what the range of conditions could support life, for example is there a minimum and corresponding percentage range for Oxygen for example. The same would go for other gasses for example Nitrogen, $CO_2$ etc. Hopefully we can learn more about what is needed for life, so we perhaps increase our chances of finding possible habitable words. This, of course is assuming all life requires Oxygen We have found life in or near volcanoes on Earth, conditions are very hot, and inhospitable to humans generally, not to mention the Sulfur Dioxide and other toxic gasses.

I will try and look in to this further.


1 Main Article 2 Discourse Discussion 3 Compound Chemistry – Solar System Atmospheres


#YearOfTheFediverse,ScienceDaily,#Planets,#Atosphere, #Telescope,#JWST,#Exoplanets,#Life,#Composition

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