Paul Sutton


Diverse organic-mineral associations in Jezero crater, Mars

The rover that just keeps giving, so looks like “NASA's Perseverance Mars rover discovers more evidence of building blocks of life on Mars.”.

This is from the original Fediverse post by Natalie Davis

NASA's Perseverance Mars rover discovers more evidence of building blocks of life on Mars. Although the organic molecules were not necessarily the products of biological processes, it does raise the chances Mars once had life and could indicate we're looking in the right place.

So exciting stuff, the full article in Nature can be found here

So we are finding more evidence Mars may once have had life. If you want to learn more about some of the basic building blocks of life and how we go about finding these, please check a previous post about the Mumbai University Astrobiology course videos

In the mean time feel free to ask on Fedi or on Science forums.


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Jupiter Moons

While the hunt for exoplanets is developing at pace, closer to home we keep finding new moons, esp around Jupiter. This week we found 12 new moons.

This is reported by Meson Stars – online news about space exploration, posted to Fedi by Frederic



#Astrodon #astronomy #astrophysics #Jupiter

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