Paul Sutton


Cyber Security resources

Another really useful resource that was posted to Mastodon. I am sharing again here on my blog for reach.

26 cybersecurity YouTube channels:

  1. Infosec Institute — Cybersecurity awareness.

  1. Black Hat — Technical cybersecurity conferences.

  1. Bugcrowd — Bug bounty methodology and interviews.

  1. InfoSec Live — Everything from tutorials to interviews.

  1. David Bombal — Everything cybersecurity related.

  1. Nahamsec — Educational hacking and bug bounty videos.

  1. Computerphile — Covers basic concepts and techniques.

  1. InsiderPHD — How to get started with bug bounty hunting.

  1. Security Weekly — Interviews with cybersecurity figures.

  1. John Hammond — Malware analysis, programming, and careers.

  1. Peter Yaworski — Web-application hacking tips and interviews.

  1. IppSec — Labs and capture-the-flag tutorials, HackTheBox etc.

  1. 13Cubed — Videos on tools, forensics, and incident response.

  1. HackerSploit — Penetration testing, web-application hacking.

  1. STÖK — Videos on tools, vulnerability analysis, and methodology.

  1. Security Now — Cybercrime news, hacking and web-application security.

  1. LiveOverflow — Involves hacking, write-up videos, and capture-the-flags.

  1. The Cyber Mentor — Ethical hacking, web-application hacking, and tools.

  1. Joe Collins — Everything Linux related, including tutorials and guides.

  1. Null Byte — Cybersecurity for ethical hackers, and computer scientists.

  1. The PC Security Channel — Windows security, malware news, and tutorials.

  1. Simply Cyber — Helps people with cybersecurity career development.

  1. Network Chuck — Everything related to network and cybersecurity.

  1. BlackPerl — Malware analysis, forensics and incident response.

  1. Professor Messer — Guides covering certifications.

  1. Hak5 — General cybersecurity coverage.



May be worth following on Mastodon too.



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How to Generate References with LaTeX (BibTeX)

How to Generate References with LaTeX (BibTeX)

Another LaTeX video, this time relating to creating a bibliography. This isn't using Overleaf, however the principle is similar. The Overleaf example file has a built in Bibliography example. I have found a video that covers this, so please see the second video below.

There are adverts every so often, but you can just skip these.

Video 1 LaTeX and BibTeX

Video 2 Overleaf and BibTeX




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Improve your academic writing with Writefull.

Improve your academic writing with Writefull.

Writefull, is a really useful extension to overleaf, that helps you improve your writing. It is designed to be integrated in to Overleaf, so complements really well. From experience, this works in Chrome but I am not sure if there is a specific plug-in for Firefox.

The narrator does seem to be talking rather fast, which makes it harder to follow. I did use the Youtube settings to slow down the speed to 0.75, which sort of improved this. To be fair, I am not sure if the narrators first language is English, so that may account for the speed he is talking. But it is not a barrier to watching the video, once slowed down, or even at normal speed.

There are adverts every so often, but you can just skip these.





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Tutorial for writing lab reports in LaTeX and Overleaf

So further to my previous overleaf post. This is a tutorial to show you how to make a simple lab report. It is about an hour long. But seems to cover quite a lot of ground. I am happy to help people with LaTeX, I would recommend using the forum (see links below), you should be able to tag me in with @PaulSutton.

There are adverts every so often, but you can just skip these.





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Writing scientific academic Articles

How to Write a Scientific Journal Article Using Overleaf – Academic Writing Tutorial

This is an excellent short video on the advantages of using Overleaf for Academic writing.

There are several abrupt stops for adverts, but the video is well worth watching.




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Using invidious

Invidious is a front end to Youtube that strips out tracking and other 'unwanted' and 'unnecessary' features that impact on user privacy. To use the invidious front end you first need the Youtube video URL for example:

You need to add the latter part in this case :– watch?v=2Is8nZeJNiI to the end of the invidious url

So you end up with:

There is also a Firefox Plugin to help with this.



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Journey of Curiosity

This video is about an hour long, but is well worth watching, a really good overview of the mission, it findings and the science.




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Fediverse Services

The #Fediverse list of services is growing: * #Mastodon#microblogging #twitterdown * #Peertube#videosharing #youtube * #Pixelfed#photosharing #instagram * #Friendica#socialnetwork #facebook * #Pleroma#microblogging #twitter * #Lemmy#linkaggregator #reddit * #Nextcloudsocial#filesharing #filehosting * #Mobilizon#eventplanner #facebookevents * #Funkwhale & #Reel2Bits#audiosharing #soundcloud * #WriteFreely#Federated #Blogging #Plume #diaspora#Decentralised #SocialMedia #Facebook #Alternative #GNUsocial#Federated #MicroBlogging #misskey#Distributed #Microblogging #LBRY#Video #Sharing #Decentralized #Blockchain Coming soon * #flockingbird#professionalnetworking #LinkedIn

Others not on the Fediverse but still useful

#OpenStreetMap – alt to google / bing maps


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Youtube-dl out of date

The youtube-dl tool on Debian 10 is out of date, it seems even the sid version is behind, by a good few months.

After some searching I have found a way to fix this.

Please note you need to do you OWN RESEARCH in to fixing this. I am not responsible for loss or problems caused by following what I have put here.

Firstly I was getting the following error

youtube-dl [youtube] 0JSHubLg7NE: Downloading webpage [youtube] 0JSHubLg7NE: Downloading video info webpage ERROR: 0JSHubLg7NE: YouTube said: This video is unavailable.

The webpage here was a little helpful


In providing an explanation and some fixes.

Firstly on Debian the internal update option is disabled so

youtube-dl -U

Won't work, reading further this seems to download the latest version

While the above instructions worked for me, The old version was still installed, this needs to be removed so doing this before hand may help.

However if you want to check the current version before removing you can use:

youtube-dl —version

Then remove with:

apt remove youtube-dl -

The instructions

wget -O /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl

You will still need to change the permissions as per above website. I am not repeating them here, you need to read up.

However – Debian appears to expect youtube-dl to be in /usr/bin.

The above solution downloads to /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl, you can either put in the path manually when running as in:


Which gets rather tedious to keep doing that.

In order to get round this, I have copied the binary to where Debian wants it

cp /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl /usr/bin/youtube-dl

Which seems to work for me, but is probably the wrong way to go about doing this.

You can now find the version that is now installed by using

youtube-dl —version


Hopefully this is useful. You need to do your own research but the problem is fixable.

Once you have upgraded you can download youtube videos in the normal way with youtube-dl.

#debian, #youtube-dl, #error, #fix, #solution, #gnu, #linux

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