Paul Sutton


Chemistry glassware

Another video found on peertube, This is looking at Tapered ground glass joints | Introduction to chemistry: Glassware

This is a useful topic as it is important to be familiar with what lab equipment is used. This video covers how to join tapered glassware together, how to seal and remove correctly. What you can do if joints get stuck. It also gives a brief look at joint sizes e.g 25/40 where 25 40 is the length and 25 is the size of the largest part of the taper. The video makes it clearer.



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RFID Magnetic stir bar

A Temperature-Sensing Magnetic Stir Bar

Magnetic stirrers are a standard feature in many science labs, they save manual stirring and also ensure that this is undertaken at a consistent speed.

This project from hackaday takes the tech one step further, by creating a custom stir bar, these hackers have added sensors, so data such as temperature can be monitored during experiments.

Sounds really cool, there is a video here explaining how everything works.



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How to Generate References with LaTeX (BibTeX)

How to Generate References with LaTeX (BibTeX)

Another LaTeX video, this time relating to creating a bibliography. This isn't using Overleaf, however the principle is similar. The Overleaf example file has a built in Bibliography example. I have found a video that covers this, so please see the second video below.

There are adverts every so often, but you can just skip these.

Video 1 LaTeX and BibTeX

Video 2 Overleaf and BibTeX




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Improve your academic writing with Writefull.

Improve your academic writing with Writefull.

Writefull, is a really useful extension to overleaf, that helps you improve your writing. It is designed to be integrated in to Overleaf, so complements really well. From experience, this works in Chrome but I am not sure if there is a specific plug-in for Firefox.

The narrator does seem to be talking rather fast, which makes it harder to follow. I did use the Youtube settings to slow down the speed to 0.75, which sort of improved this. To be fair, I am not sure if the narrators first language is English, so that may account for the speed he is talking. But it is not a barrier to watching the video, once slowed down, or even at normal speed.

There are adverts every so often, but you can just skip these.





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Tutorial for writing lab reports in LaTeX and Overleaf

So further to my previous overleaf post. This is a tutorial to show you how to make a simple lab report. It is about an hour long. But seems to cover quite a lot of ground. I am happy to help people with LaTeX, I would recommend using the forum (see links below), you should be able to tag me in with @PaulSutton.

There are adverts every so often, but you can just skip these.





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