What is Peertube?
Peertube is a video sharing platform, similar to youtube, but with a focus on privacy and decentralization. As Peertube uses Activity pub then content can be shared and federated to other services within the Fediverse.
I tried to post the video below, but for some reason it is not working properly.
Feel free to get in touch if you need more help on this, details are on my contact page.
Update 8/1/2021
Interesting instances :-
Posted by FediTips
**Fediverse ID : ** @feditips@mstdn.social
Update 7/1/2021 – PeerTube 3 released

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Goodbye Youtube, Hello Peertube
This is a really nice, informative video as to why Gentle Living Shop has left Youtube and embraced Peertube and the Fediverse.
Lots of excellent reasoning here, along with an explanation of what the Fediverse is.
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PodCast Search
I found this on the Fediverse last year, so am sharing again as it was originally shared on the Devon & Cornwall Linux user group website.
As the name suggests this allows you to search for a pod cast in a good range of topics.
Libre Lounge is another podcast that has covered different aspects of the Fediverse, this includes some of the more technical aspects including a multipart discussion on Activity Pub. Activity pub is one of the protocols that allows posts to be federated across the network.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
AI statement : Consent is NOT granted to use the content of this blog for the purposes of AI training or similar activity. Consent CANNOT be assumed, it has to be granted.

Torbay Tier 2 restrictions 9/12/2020
To help you do this, we have summarised the Tier 2 restrictions below.
- You must not socialise with anyone who you do not live with indoors, unless you are in a support bubble. (see further down this briefing to learn more about bubbles).
Outdoors, up to six people can socialise – this is called the 'rule of six'.
- Businesses and venues can continue to operate in a COVID-secure manner, unless closed by law. (Find out what COVID-Secure means on gov.uk)
- Pubs and bars may only open if serving as restaurants. Hospitality venues may serve alcohol with food. Early closure applies to many venues.
- People can attend spectator sport and indoor performances but there are limits on how many can attend. For example, Torquay United will be welcoming Gulls fans again this Saturday, and have asked them to follow their code of conduct.
- Places of worship may open but whilst there you should only socialise with people you live with or who are in a support bubble with you.
- Weddings and funerals can go ahead but with restrictions on how many people can attend. (Check what the restrictions are on gov.uk)
For more information, you can read the full details of the restrictions for tier 2 on the main gov.uk website and you can check what current restrictions apply in Torbay on our own website. NHS Website
I have also shared this on LinkedIn
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