Paul Sutton


What do we get from crude oil?

This is a repost with more information, links and a correction due to a 404 on a link.

The news that the UK is going to issue more licences for crude oil exploration, promoted a discussion on the Fediverse. From this, I asked what other products come from crude oil.

However, this link seems to give a 404, so I found an alternative here, along with a more detailed list of the chemical products here.

So in an attempt to research this further, I have so far found this infographic and article. I will embed the actual infographic below.

Crude oil, but please ensure credit goes to Oil Field Team.

So from this there are a huge number of products, that we need to either:-

  • Stop using
  • Find replacements for

If we are going to give up on oil completely.

So from this I will look at a few of these, and give my perspective

Lubricating oils these are needed to keep machines running, even electric cars have moving parts. These products can also be specialist so may not be easily replaceable.

Asphalt used for road surfaces, again even Hydrogen / Electric cars need a road surface for getting around on.

Nylon used in clothing, but also used for ropes etc, it is strong, and has many uses.

Teflon used for non-stick surfaces, IIRC this was developed as part of the space industry.

Kerosene used in some rocket fuels, while we are developing alternative power for rockets (e.g. nuclear) this may be some years away, and it may depend on where we are going, being a indication of what type of fuel we need.

Sunscreen, Essential to protect our skin.

Aspirin Common medication.

Thermoplastics, Again a common type of plastic with a specific uses where resistance to high temperatures are needed.

So it may not be THAT easy to completely stop our reliance. We will need to spend a lot of money on R&D to fully develop alternatives using other means. We can get some plastics from plants, but again it seems to depend on type and usage.

However, we can stop our reliance on oil for car fuels, however are electric cars suitable for emergency services, or military use? By military, we need to remember that we deploy soldiers to help in disaster recovery, not just wars or peacekeeping.

So this needs far more rational discussion.



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Paignton Library STEM Group – October 2022

The October STEM group meeting will be taking place on Saturday 8/10/2022.

Harding is looking at doing a talk / discussion on

  • Historical units, and dimensions in equations.
  • For engineering equations I offer two examples:-
    • The bending of beams
    • Aerodynamic lift from a wing.
  • Well will also have Prospects from Brixham joining us Prospects have interest in “data, data analytics, data science, perhaps making things with sensors and Raspberry Pis”
  • This event also falls during World Space Week



Photo 2

Photo 3

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Paignton Library STEM Group – September 2022

The library has Cancelled this event due to the death of HM Queen Elizabeth II.



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Paignton Library STEM Group – September 2022

The September STEM group meeting will be taking place on Saturday 10/9/2022.

There is a post on the STEM Group blog with further details.



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Paignton Library STEM Group – August 2022 Writeup

The August STEM group meeting took place on Saturday 13/8/2022. It was a quiet meeting but fairly productive.

I partly set up a monitor / keyboard and mouse as I was expecting 2 attendees to come along for help with a Raspberry Pi. They didn't make it so we just carried on with the other planned activities.

We watched the August Space Telescope Science Institute public lecture ( recording ) and had an interesting discussion around this, which also led to a discussion on photography and infra red and UV filtering. Harding also offered a talk on Space and time, which we will discuss further and agree for a later date.

Prior to the meeting starting, and with help from Loic at the library, we set up a tablet with the Lego WeDo 2.0 and got this working. So this is another activity for both Code Club and a future STEM Group meeting.

The next two Code Club will take place on the 20th August and 3rd September, while the next STEM group meeting will be on 10th September. So hopefully more of the same.


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Paignton Library STEM Group – August 2022

The August STEM group meeting will take place on Saturday 13/8/2022. As with previous events, this will be a mix of Science, Technology, and Engineering subjects along with discussions and a look at projects brought along to the event.

We will be watching the August Space Telescope Science Institute public lecture ( recording )

Note : I have now fixed the issue with low volume, so we can now turn the sound up to level where people can hear any audio clearly.


Speaker: Alexandra Lockwood (Space Telescope Science Institute)

The Webb Space Telescope has recently showcased its spectacular first images and is now ready to do incredible science! It has been a long road to get here, including meticulous planning, exacting execution, and an amazing amount of teamwork! Join Dr. Alex Lockwood as she talks about the journey from launch to commissioning, explores details of the first images and spectra, and helps us understand the awesome scientific potential of NASA's newest great observatory.

Recorded live on Tuesday, August 2, 2022.

Preceding this I have found a short video to explain emission and absorption spectra,

I have linked some courses on FreeCodeCamp, that are partially related to data analysis and use of Python in Science.

Schedule (talk / video stream)

The plan is to watch video, then have a discussion around this.

Schedule (projects stream)

As we are a bring you own projects group, then attendees can bring what they are working on, or perhaps carry on with what they are doing at Code Club for example.





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Tech Ethics

Another interesting post on Mastodon. The original blog article may be a few years old but seems to raise some good points about teaching ethics in Technology and a link to a spreadsheet with where you can learn about this within courses.


We can perhaps discuss further at the Feb Stem group meeting



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Quantum science & technology: Highlights of 2021

Just found this, so making a final post for today. These are some of the highlights in the world of Physics in 2021. Lots of things happened in 2021, so lets hope 2022 is equally as exciting.

I have added a link to the discourse forum and also a link to the Tuxiversity science thread, so you can discuss courses and other options for learning.



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