Paignton Library STEM Group – August 2022 Writeup

The August STEM group meeting took place on Saturday 13/8/2022. It was a quiet meeting but fairly productive.

I partly set up a monitor / keyboard and mouse as I was expecting 2 attendees to come along for help with a Raspberry Pi. They didn't make it so we just carried on with the other planned activities.

We watched the August Space Telescope Science Institute public lecture ( recording ) and had an interesting discussion around this, which also led to a discussion on photography and infra red and UV filtering. Harding also offered a talk on Space and time, which we will discuss further and agree for a later date.

Prior to the meeting starting, and with help from Loic at the library, we set up a tablet with the Lego WeDo 2.0 and got this working. So this is another activity for both Code Club and a future STEM Group meeting.

The next two Code Club will take place on the 20th August and 3rd September, while the next STEM group meeting will be on 10th September. So hopefully more of the same.


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