Paul Sutton


Unsolved problems in cosmology

I decided to sign up to another free open learn course with the Open University. Unsolved problems in cosmology is an extract from a level 3 course, S385 Cosmology and the distant Universe.

After studying this course, you should be able to:

  • understand the basis of modern cosmology based on the hot big bang
  • summarise the main candidate dark matter particles, and the prospects for directly detecting them
  • compare models to explain the late-time acceleration of the Universe's expansion, i.e. dark energy and the cosmological constant
  • discuss observational prospects for understanding the nature of dark energy
  • explain the theoretical problems that led to the theory of inflation, how an early inflationary period solves them, and how researchers are investigating inflation.



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Essay and report writing skills

This is a repost

Hopefully reposting this here, will inspire people.

I completed Essay and report writing skills [3] with OpenLearn [2], earlier this year. This is part of the Open University [1]. In fact, this course mirrors a student tool kit book I have here, also from the OU. It is nice to have a printed and bound version.

Very useful course, lots of useful ideas, pointers to writing good essays and reports. Topics included structure, referencing, quotations,drafting, polishing and letting go. So probably just as applicable in the workplace as it is in the Academic world

I am looking forward to further study.

Course Certificate

The UK government want all adults to spend time learning. To this end have created the skills toolkit [4] to help adults find learning and development courses.

This is a great idea, provided that employers:-

  • Support employees in learning
  • Value any learning an employee undertakes
  • Value the commitment and work put in in order to learn new skills
  • Recognise employee achievements on their CV
  • See potential in their employee(s)


1 Open University 2 OpenLearn 3 Course Website 4 Skills toolkit


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New Supercollider

Just had this from Symmetry Magazine [1], an article, discussing the plans for the new super collider [2]. Which will open up a whole new set of discoveries (well hopefully anyway). This could make a good discussion on Discourse [3] so I have added a new topic to discuss further [4]. If you are interested in studying physics then maybe try the Open University [5] or to learn more about the Large Hadron Collider see the CERN page on this [6].


1 Symmetry Magazine 2 Super Collider Article 3 Discourse 4 Article discussion on discourse 5 Open University 6 CERN LHC 7 Study Support Group

Other articles

**VIDEO ON THE LHC (5 mins) **


#Physics,#Collider,#OU,#OpenUniversity,#Science,#Proton,#Energy, #LHC.#CERN

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Essay and report writing skills

I have just completed a course on Essay and report writing skills [3] with OpenLearn [2], which is part of the Open University [1]. In fact, this course mirrors a student tool kit book I have here, also from the OU. It is nice to have a printed and bound version.

Very useful course, lots of useful ideas, pointers to writing good essays and reports. Topics included structure, referencing, quotations,drafting, polishing and letting go. So probably just as applicable in the workplace as it is in the Academic world

I am looking forward to further study.

Course Certificate

The UK government want all adults to spend time learning. To this end have created the skills toolkit [4] to help adults find learning and development courses.

This is a great idea, provided that employers:-

  • Support employees in learning
  • Value any learning an employee undertakes
  • Value the commitment and work put in in order to learn new skills
  • Recognise employee achievements on their CV
  • See potential in their employee(s)


1 Open University 2 OpenLearn 3 Course Website 4 Skills toolkit


#Essay,#Report,#Writing,#Skills, #OpenUniversity,#OU,#OpenLearn,#Course,#E-learning,#Study, #YearOfTheFediverse,

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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The search for life on Mars

One of the advantages of being a higher education student or in my case alumni is you get to join groups. I have just been watching a live webcast on the experiments that are being used onboard Mars rovers to look for possible indicators that Mars once supported life.

Exploring the Habitability of Mars with the Curiosity and Rosalind Franklin rovers and Orbital Missions

I am not sure if there is a recording of this going up, but the link to a some more information is here.

I am currently undertaking Particle Physics but there is also a really interesting series of lecutures on AstroBiology I want to check out too.

#OpenUniversity,#OU,#space,#science,#mars,#curiosity,#rover,#talks,#education,#chemistry,#biochemistry,#biology, #orgnaic,#OrganicMolecules,#NASA,#JPL,Rovers, #RosalindFranklin.#OrbitalMissions

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In the night sky : Orion Completed

I have finally, after months of going back and forth to this, partly due to other study and things to do. Completed the 24 hour OU / OpenLearn Course. I was just doing this casually anyway.

Note: This is a Level 1 Open University course.

After studying this course, you should be able to:

* Understand facts, concepts, principles, theories, classifications and language used in astronomy * Understand the range of sizes, distances and motions of objects in the night sky * Understand the structure, evolution and the main processes operating in stars * Understand the properties of planets in our Solar System and exoplanetary systems * Understand the history of the universe.

Really interesting course, lots to think about and learn just from doing some of the research for the questions posed during the course.

Astronomy uses the greek alphabet for star names for example so this post may help.

#course #openlearn #openuniversity #science #space #astronomy #cosmology #physics #astrophysics #chemistry #biology #OU #greek

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I have just completed another OU / OpenLearn course, this time on The Evolving Universe. Despite its rather complex subject matter it was very interesting and expanded a little further on the 'How the universe works' course I undertook a few years ago.

The course looked at the early universe, the big bang, how particles, energy, time and temperature all changed over time and how all these are inter-related. How the matter we know today formed and why the universe is mostly matter and not antimatter. The fact there was more matter and what would have happened if the amount of antimatter and matter had been equal. Plus other interesting topics.

How sub-atomic particles such as Bosons, Leptons, Quarks etc interact. How research finds new particles and the huge energy levels required for this to take place.

This is a level 1 introductory course, and like the more formal course mentioned. The course also asks other questions which gets the reader thinking about different scenarios that could have occurred.


#OpenUniversity, #OU, #OpenLearn, #science, #EvolvingUniverse, #Space, #astronomy, #astrophysics,

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