Paul Sutton



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Wise advice to employers

This was posted to LinkedIn by Brigette Hyacinth

Brigette makes a very interesting and important point with this.

ME: Candidate accepted another offer.
CLIENT: I thought she really liked our company.
ME: Yes, she did
CLIENT: I don’t understand why she would throw away a great future here.
ME: She is very talented. She will have a great future wherever she chooses.
CLIENT: But we’re #1 in our space!

Companies need to realize interviews are two-way streets. You are not only choosing the candidate, the candidate is choosing you as well. While you are taking 3+ months to hire someone (looking for perfection) putting candidates through multiple interviews and tests - another company recognized her worth and made her an offer far above the market range. If you want the best talent improve your hiring processes. Candidates have negotiating power too. 


Personal experience seems to point to employers delaying getting back and delaying moving what should be a fairly simple process forward. This leaves people not knowing what is going on, sometimes for weeks at a time.

Employees who are keen to make a start will say so, we appreciate that there are processes. This is about the endless waiting and waiting for people to get back and keep us updated.


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Disciplinary Procedures

I have now undertaken the disciplinary procedures course with elearning at work.

This course covers the aims of the disciplinary procedure, penalties including investigations, allegations and suspensions, procedures for carrying out hearings, and appeals.

The course covers the following modules:

    Disciplinary Procedure and Confidentiality
    Investigations, Allegations and Suspensions
    Notification Of A Hearing, The Right To Be Accompanied, And Procedure
    Penalties, Their Effects, And Appeals
    Holding Disciplinary Hearings And A Case Study

Disciplinary Procedures


You may be wondering, why I felt the need to do this course. The answer is simply, accountability. This is 2021

Everyone's invited [6] and a recent Royal College of Nursing Conference [5] both point to a serious issue with Sexual Harassment

In the case of [6] some young people were fobbed off, accused of lying or told it was their fault.

The other courses I have undertaken recently [3].[4] ad [5], all cite disciplinary procedures as a way to eventually and ultimately solve the issue, so knowing the processes complements these courses.


1 Safeguarding 2 Sexual Harassent 3 Anti Harrassment 4 Equality 5 RCN conference moves online 6 Everyone's Invited



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Tor Project Employment Vacancies

I decided to share this as the Tor Project is still looking for people to help with the project. These are PAID opportunities even though there are plenty of Volunteer opportunities too.

Details of the latest vacancies can be found here

You can also follow the Tor project on Mastodon as well as other social media and communication platforms. Details are on their contact page.

Hope this helps


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Imposter syndrome with Creative Education

Imposter Syndrome: 5 tips for overcoming it

No matter how many years you spend in the profession, the first day back after a long break can feel terrifying. In this short course, I’ve shared some simple practical ideas to help you feel more confident about returning to school and to help you manage if things don’t go quite to plan.

Completed this on 7th March 2021. Thank you for making another course free for a week. This is great for my own personal & professional development and shows I am serious about finding ways to improve my skills.

imposter certificate



#Training,#CPD,#Work,#Employment,#Personal, #Professional,#Development,#LookingForWork

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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Employee Motivation

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One of the nice things about LinkedIn, is that there are some really inspirational people on there, with some great advice.

Employee Motivation

This was posted earlier by Brigette Hyacinth makes some interesting and important points here about how Employers actions and behaviour can really have a positive or Negative impact on employee Motivation.

I am currently looking for work but I understand with this infographic is saying. Previous employers have been both good, others have been not so good.

If people leave their job, think about why, if a CV has gaps, think why someone may have left their last post. I left my last post to seek better opportunities, an employer who will actually value my skills.

I really hope that my current projects, and the experience and skills being developed actually count for something.

If you want the best out of people, make them feel valued, listen to them, and notice what skills, help them develop and you will get a better work force. Employees are people not just some number on an employee database.




Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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