Paul Sutton


Employee Motivation

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One of the nice things about LinkedIn, is that there are some really inspirational people on there, with some great advice.

Employee Motivation

This was posted earlier by Brigette Hyacinth makes some interesting and important points here about how Employers actions and behaviour can really have a positive or Negative impact on employee Motivation.

I am currently looking for work but I understand with this infographic is saying. Previous employers have been both good, others have been not so good.

If people leave their job, think about why, if a CV has gaps, think why someone may have left their last post. I left my last post to seek better opportunities, an employer who will actually value my skills.

I really hope that my current projects, and the experience and skills being developed actually count for something.

If you want the best out of people, make them feel valued, listen to them, and notice what skills, help them develop and you will get a better work force. Employees are people not just some number on an employee database.




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