Disciplinary Procedures

I have now undertaken the disciplinary procedures course with elearning at work.

This course covers the aims of the disciplinary procedure, penalties including investigations, allegations and suspensions, procedures for carrying out hearings, and appeals.

The course covers the following modules:

    Disciplinary Procedure and Confidentiality
    Investigations, Allegations and Suspensions
    Notification Of A Hearing, The Right To Be Accompanied, And Procedure
    Penalties, Their Effects, And Appeals
    Holding Disciplinary Hearings And A Case Study

Disciplinary Procedures


You may be wondering, why I felt the need to do this course. The answer is simply, accountability. This is 2021

Everyone's invited [6] and a recent Royal College of Nursing Conference [5] both point to a serious issue with Sexual Harassment

In the case of [6] some young people were fobbed off, accused of lying or told it was their fault.

The other courses I have undertaken recently [3].[4] ad [5], all cite disciplinary procedures as a way to eventually and ultimately solve the issue, so knowing the processes complements these courses.


1 Safeguarding 2 Sexual Harassent 3 Anti Harrassment 4 Equality 5 RCN conference moves online 6 Everyone's Invited



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