Paul Sutton


What do we get from crude oil?

This is a repost with more information, links and a correction due to a 404 on a link.

The news that the UK is going to issue more licences for crude oil exploration, promoted a discussion on the Fediverse. From this, I asked what other products come from crude oil.

However, this link seems to give a 404, so I found an alternative here, along with a more detailed list of the chemical products here.

So in an attempt to research this further, I have so far found this infographic and article. I will embed the actual infographic below.

Crude oil, but please ensure credit goes to Oil Field Team.

So from this there are a huge number of products, that we need to either:-

  • Stop using
  • Find replacements for

If we are going to give up on oil completely.

So from this I will look at a few of these, and give my perspective

Lubricating oils these are needed to keep machines running, even electric cars have moving parts. These products can also be specialist so may not be easily replaceable.

Asphalt used for road surfaces, again even Hydrogen / Electric cars need a road surface for getting around on.

Nylon used in clothing, but also used for ropes etc, it is strong, and has many uses.

Teflon used for non-stick surfaces, IIRC this was developed as part of the space industry.

Kerosene used in some rocket fuels, while we are developing alternative power for rockets (e.g. nuclear) this may be some years away, and it may depend on where we are going, being a indication of what type of fuel we need.

Sunscreen, Essential to protect our skin.

Aspirin Common medication.

Thermoplastics, Again a common type of plastic with a specific uses where resistance to high temperatures are needed.

So it may not be THAT easy to completely stop our reliance. We will need to spend a lot of money on R&D to fully develop alternatives using other means. We can get some plastics from plants, but again it seems to depend on type and usage.

However, we can stop our reliance on oil for car fuels, however are electric cars suitable for emergency services, or military use? By military, we need to remember that we deploy soldiers to help in disaster recovery, not just wars or peacekeeping.

So this needs far more rational discussion.



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Code Club – Trinket and python Modules

Trinket allows you to use a number of different modules to add functionality to your programs.

Code Club have added a py5 module for their own projects. So this post will examine how to add one of the available libraries to your program.

Firstly a list of the modules that provides can be found here. along with some documentation for each.

So to add a module we need to use the import command.

Start with a blank new Python 3 project and enter the following

#!/usr/bin/env python3 #use python 3

Then the instruction to import the required module.

import numpy

Now test if you don't get errors proceed to add

from numpy import *

And test again.

Should give no errors, in which case you can now start to use module numpy

Other info

You can use modules such as Numpy and matplotlib in software such as Jupyter Notebook



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Code Club – Python functions 2

So to follow the previous post, we are going to look at passing 2 arguments to a function, adding them together, then displaying the result.

Firstly open a new Python Trinket

Firstly we are going to tell the interpreter to use python3.

#!/usr/bin/env python3 #use python 3

Now we create a function to take two arguments and display the sub of both

def add_numbers(x,z):
  add = (int(x) + int(z))
  print ('Total = ')

Get user input

x = input("First Number") # ask for first number
z = input("Second Number") # ask for second number

Convert to integers


Call function and pass values to function




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Code Club – Simple Python 3 Functions

As we are learning Python at Code Club, I am going to make some related posts looking at the very basics of this. We are using for this

Firstly open a new Python Trinket

Firstly we are going to tell the interpreter to use python3.

#!/usr/bin/env python3 #use python 3

We are going to create a function called print_name() and then call it. The function will just print hello to the standard output.

def print_name():
  print ("hello")

So this in does the same as what

print ("hello")

To the next step is to run the function several times.

We could run


However it is probably better to put the print_name() in a loop, so it calls the function a specified number of times (in this case 4)

for x in range(0,4):

So this will now call the print_name() four times (or however many times is specified.

Assuming this works, we can now add some user interactivity

y = input("iterations")

As we are dealing with numbers (integers) than y will be a string we fix this in the line for x in range(0,int(y)): int(y) will convert string y in to integer y

Final program looks like this:-

def print_name(y):
  print ("hello")

y = input("iterations")
for x in range(0,int(y)):

Will ask for user input, store this in the variable y, as an integer. It run a loop which calls the function y times. Which in turn prints hello.

If you add the line


After the


Line, then the program should output a number count for each iteration. This can be a useful too for debugging loops. This will also make use of the fact we are passing the value of y to the function.




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What is Free Software ? Explained in 3 minutes

Really good video to explain what free software and the ideas behind the movement.



#FreeSoftware,#FSFE,#Video,#Explanation,#DigitalFreedoms,#Use,Study, #Share,#Improve

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