Paul Sutton


Black Hole Tears Star to Shreds, Unleashing Cosmic Shockwaves

Black Hole Tears Star to Shreds, Unleashing Cosmic Shockwaves

This is interesting, I will add a link to NICER (see article) to the links page.

Black holes seem really complex, and there is probably much more to learn. It is also worth watching the two videos as a further explainer to the research and the resulting paper.

So this is looking at a black hole, and how it is interacting with a local star trapped within its gravitational pull, As the star is pulled apart, some of the matter becomes a disk around the black hole, however this matter is then also interacting with another star.

If I understand the paper or at least article, this event links tidal disruption events * and quasi-periodic eruptions, helping astronomers understand black hole environments and shape future research

  • The above link is to Wikipedia, as this is NOT an academic source of information, please use a different source, link is for reference only

On an unrelated note, according to the Solar System series by Professor Brian COX, Rings have formed around planets when an object such as an asteroid gets caught in the gravitational pull of the planet, Moons are also objects that have been caught up.

I am not sure if the two phenomenons are related in that stars being ripped apart by a black hole are a similar event, just on a much larger scale.

According to MIT there have been other similar events detailed here




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Fosdem talk: Radio Astronomy

I attended a few of the talks at FOSDEM 2021 [1]. The talk on Virgo: A Versatile Spectrometer for Radio Astronomy [2] was interesting, as I am developing more of an interest in space science.

I am linking to the talk information page and the recordings of the talks below.

Worth watching, as it is interesting what is currently being undertaken.


  1. Fosdem
    1. Virgo: A Versatile Spectrometer for Radio Astronomy
    2. Videos
    3. mp4
    4. webm

2 Free Software Foundation



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