我说我不开心了,他就和我聊天问我怎么不开心了。我说我没有心情玩游戏,他就问我有心情干什么。我就这样感受着一种被爱的感觉,可是。。。我们之间到底算什么呢。我只能带着些许悲伤地问他,你为什么人这么好。他说because I want to. 我说你知道你这是在spoil我吗。他说I am not, because you deserve the kindness。我问他为什么在和我接触的时候总是有这么多能量去be kind,我觉得being kind是需要花精力的。他说I can do it infinite times for one person. you。我都不知道他是不是说这些话在flirt我。可是如果他是在flirt我,我也想要去接受。
In the past a few days, during the interaction of Z, I was drawn to the scary and sacred feeling by showing vulnerability. I felt like have an awakening experience that changed my life.
可是接下来呢?当我想要继续和他联系的时候,我内心却充满了焦虑不确定和害怕。我感到我想要和他说话的desire,但是我只觉得我自己是needy的状态。尽管他明明说了要我做我自己真实的样子,但是我头脑里的想象都是negative的。I worry that he will get annoyed at me contacting him today again. I am afraid that he is annoyed at me and do not really want to talk to me even if he was always very kind to me. I don't know if he being kind to me is “fake”. I don't feel comfortable telling him about it right now because this just makes it so explicit that I am being needy.