

我说我不开心了,他就和我聊天问我怎么不开心了。我说我没有心情玩游戏,他就问我有心情干什么。我就这样感受着一种被爱的感觉,可是。。。我们之间到底算什么呢。我只能带着些许悲伤地问他,你为什么人这么好。他说because I want to. 我说你知道你这是在spoil我吗。他说I am not, because you deserve the kindness。我问他为什么在和我接触的时候总是有这么多能量去be kind,我觉得being kind是需要花精力的。他说I can do it infinite times for one person. you。我都不知道他是不是说这些话在flirt我。可是如果他是在flirt我,我也想要去接受。

接着的几天我们又有一个小的conflict。我一直希望我们之间的沟通能够做到open and honest,就像我看到的therapy group里面的沟通一样。而他并没有在对我生气的时候直接表达出来,而是沉默了。我说我宁可他告诉我他生气也不想要他什么都不说。他说他有一个rough day,他有他的frustration,但是他不想对我be mean,所以在那个时候只想一个人待着听音乐。我却觉得这是kindness的表现,是对情绪进行控制的表现,所以我会更欣赏他。

一个小conflict之后又有一个大的conflict。我诚然在处理和他的conflict上花了一些emotional energy,以及我们又有了电话通话。整体来看,尽管我们有冲突,但是我们沟通得很好。在我们电话里,第一次有了更坦然的一些的对话。不记得这个对话是怎么来的了,但是只记得我们的一来一回里,我告诉他他就像是一个therapy group member到了现实里一样,我告诉他我觉得他非常emotionally tuned,和我在现实里接触的男生截然不同。显然这个对他的印象和评价是他从未听过的。我接着还问了他我心里一直有猜测的问题,我问他是不是有therapy的经验(因为他的沟通、对话能力实在和我在therapy group里的经验太相似了)。他告诉我说几年前他被前前任分手之后一度想要give away everything,那时候他有找过咨询。接着我又share了一些我therapy group里发生的事情,我告诉了他更多过去的我的样子,和我在therapy group里看到的感到的和对我的影响。我们都对这些比较感兴趣。

接着的几天我们每天都有一些淡淡的对话,都是我发起的。我们提到七月中旬的见面,他向我确认我最comfortable的meet up方式。


我对老公是完全坦白我对Z的感觉的,老公也似乎对open relationship没有意见,但是我总是觉得有什么地方不对,我似乎总是也能期望着老公能够pick up哪怕是一点点的Z的情商。但是老公没有,就算我们是open relationship,我和老公的关系仍旧没有变,而我看到我和老公之间问题就觉得特别崩溃——过去的几年里,老公并没有给我很多情绪支持:很多时候老公也没有对我的情绪有validation,所以过去的几年主要支持我的是我的therapy group。同时在emotional level,我和老公其实不够亲密。我和老公的对话,很多时候都是我单方面的向他去分享我的生活,我的情绪,我的成长;而老公基本上不会主动去向我分享他自己,要不他就是并没有self awareness,要不就是他对自我成长并没有多大兴趣。我几个月前感受到的孤独的感觉是因为老公几乎没有给我很多quality time,他的时间都在和他的好友叙旧里面。我和老公在搬到加州之前我就告诉过他,感觉我和他好像过成了室友的关系一样。这让我有些觉得我和老公是不是grow apart了。

那天晚上和Z的对话我还是有些犹豫,但是最后还是告诉了Z我目前career和relationship上都很困难,有些整个life messed up的感觉。在那个对话里,我又对Z有了多一些的了解。他好像对他的每一个朋友都是很好的,也包括我,包括晚上很晚听我说我career和relationship上的问题,还有我对我老板的情感。他得知我次日会和老板单独见面去向老板告白,他要我keep him updated。

第二天当我和老板的interaction失败之后,我相信Z是那个能够给我提供emotional support的人。他果然是。 我不断地找他要reassurance,不断地找他求安慰,因为我当时的状态真的很糟糕,而他真的有能力让我的情绪平静下来。 在我展示了所有的脆弱面的之后,我心里还会有不安的感觉:Right now in my head, I was thinking that, I am waiting for the time when you are tired of me and it will prove to me that I am not lovable. 他则说:You will be waiting forever. 我:I wanted to argue with you about it, but it is really not the point. Thank you is what I want to say, and a hug. 他:You will get a long hug irl (in real life), I promise

我在老板身上受挫,对学术界暗暗觉得没有留念。我将再去何方呢。躺在床上,想着几天前和Z的通话,想着我和他的一问一答,我觉得我似乎会喜欢去做一个therapist。想明白了这一点,好像似乎对转行有了一些方向。想到这些,又觉得对Z有些感激,似乎是和他的对话inspire了我。所以便写了短短的一段update message给他。



我一开始并不愿意承认我已经喜欢他的事实。一开始,我只是说,如果他一直对我这么好,我很有可能fall for him。他说他一直确实很喜欢我,但是是把我当作朋友/sister一样喜欢,因为我已经married了,在他的头脑里,married了的women就是off table的;并且他会尊重我和我老公的boundary。而且他完全没有想过我会fall for him的可能。他说他听到我可能fall for him,他已经整个人都turn red了。听到他说他一直很喜欢我,我便告诉了他更多我三年前被他impress的地方。我暗暗试探他,那假如没有既定的boundary呢;我引申出了open relationship的可能。他给了一个非常肯定的no的回答。他说open relationship is not my thing. I will either be with you or not.


他说三年前我们一起玩游戏的时候,他虽然是married的,但是他的婚姻并不开心,和我们一起玩游戏是他最开心的时候;他在那个时候有觉得喜欢我,但是我同时也是有男友的,所以他实际也没有抱多少希望。同时因为他的婚姻并不开心,他自己也处于非常depressed的状态。再后来static group解散了,以及我告诉他我结婚了,他那时候是恭喜了我的,但是除了恭喜我,他也不能再做什么别的了。他常常会想起我,但是他并没有给我发消息。而我们最近重新connect,又聊深了一些;以及我把我博士毕业答辩的录像发给了他看,他看到了我的样子,找到了他这么久以来对我长什么样的一个missing piece;他说他看完了我整个毕业答辩的录像,整个过程中他的目光都无法离开我,他对我有了crush。

我完全没有想到他说的这些。我一直以为三年前我们聊天的时候他和他wife感情很好。我更不会想到他会告诉我他对我有crush。信息量太大。最后对话快要结束的时候,他问我对他是怎样的感觉。我想到他对open relationship的态度是否定的,就不太愿意多说我对他的喜欢了。他问我如果要用一个中文词去形容,我会用哪个词。我简单想了一下,就告诉了他“温暖”。他就是一个温暖的人啊。【side note,正好那天早上我做梦梦到了中学喜欢的X,而X一直给我的感觉就是阳光。阳光和温暖。Z是来慰藉我曾经对X的感情的吗?】“我们都是风雪夜中的赶路人,因相遇摩擦,融化了彼此肩头的雪花”

到了这个程度,如果Z对open relationship的态度是绝对的no。那么我就需要做一个选择,要不要和老公继续。如果和老公继续,那么Z就是一个永远的朋友;如果不和老公继续,我的未来又在哪里呢?我现在对Z会不会就是一腔热情,而在这激情之后,我们的价值观上能否是compatible的呢?

我开始想很多了,而这个决定真的很难做。我问了Z很多关于价值观的问题,我可能既想知道答案,也想在这些一问一答里面缓解我内心不住的焦虑。我知道他在个人成长上面也花了很大的功夫。他共情能力特别强,所以我和他的emotional connection比我和老公要更强。而且我和他对话的过程中,真的能够感觉到被他看见;而我觉得我老公完全做不到这一点。我和Z互相欣赏,互相感恩于遇见对方,并都希望能够见证对方的人生。但是我和Z在career上区别特别大,我不知道我们可不可能compatible。

我对Z说的是,我不确定要不要和老公继续。Z就我告诉他的我和老公的情况relate了一些他过去的感情经历,他并没有直接给我任何建议,只是告诉我,no matter what decision you make, I will stand by you, I will stand by it. 如果我选择和老公在一起,他会永远做我的朋友。我心里纠结得要死掉了。

我和老公有了一个很长的谈话,重新对open relationship进行了更细致的讨论。我注意到老公似乎对open relationship并不是我想象中的ok。我让老公知道,我现在对我自己已婚的状态非常不开心;因为我很想去explore,explore不同的relationship,可能还要explore sexuality,还想explore更多更广的世界,但是因为我是一个已婚人士,我觉得别人对已婚和未婚的态度都不尽相同,而我真的不想被这个标签给限制住。我和他的relationship里面也有很多没有能够被满足的需求,这些需求(被爱的感觉)对我来说真的非常重要。而老公对自我提升并没有多少兴趣,也therapy也兴趣不大。我告诉他我现在真的不知道该怎么办。不记得这个conversation的过程是怎么样的了。只是最后的结果是,老公说他看得到我现在这个阶段对自我探索的需求,他可以给我提供一个home让我去探索,探索得成功与否最后都有家可以回。所以我们就更正式地settle到open relationship了。


I was very shocked the night when you told me when we were in our static and you told H that you liked my voice and stuff like that. I complained that you “lied” to me during that time about how much you loved your wife. But the actual complaint inside of me was a voice saying that “Oh we missed out each other.” You impressed me so much and I enjoyed spending time with you. But I didn’t feel comfortable to reach out to you at that time because you were married. Although feeling deeply connected, I didn’t know how close we could be given that you were married. I wrote in the journal that “You are the leader of the team, and also like a big brother to me. I feel that I am loved by a big brother.” I could only put you at the brother place. But that was good enough to me as long as that we could maintain the relationship. Unfortunately the static disbanded and to me the only single obvious reason for us to keep in touch was gone and I was very sad. Further afterwards, our conversation never reached the same level of depth and I thought everything was gone. And I had to distance myself from you and get detached so that I won’t feel disappointed, although I still tried to initiate conversation with you once a while.

When we reconnected this year, I found the me with you like three years ago. When we were chatting, I felt free and I could get emerged in the conversation without thinking about work. And the last time I felt this way with others was in 2010, and this was the side of me only brought out by you. After years of therapy experience, I felt that I could connect with you better than three years ago. And you are the only emotionally tuned person I met outside of therapy group for years and I knew that I wanted to have deep connection with you, a meaningful relationship with you. The approach to the kind of strong, deep, meaningful relationship I want is through open and honest conversation, and that was what I tried to do in the past weeks and welcoming all the possible conflicts. It was not easy to be honest, to admit the part of me that I had shame about, and to trust, but I had to take the risks to get what I wanted.

Initially I viewed the conversations as a way to practice communication, but over time I realized that I didn’t know how I view you anymore. I could not face the truth of how I view you and I didn’t understand how I view my husband. I did a lot of self reflection, thought about things, asked people around and wanted to understand what love is, so that I could understand how I felt towards you or my husband, or others. At the end, I had to reach the conclusion/face myself that I had the ability/capacity to love more than one person at a time. In 2020, maybe the day when you took me to get a clear for e6s, I already fell for you.

This was what I realized on June 22nd. If I admit how I felt all above, and I was serious to all of the relationship and people I cared about, then open relationship becomes natural to me. I started the conversation with the husband since then, because I hope I could be free with you and I would like to have as deep, close relationship with you as I can possibly do. The husband is very different and because of his natural T (thinking) personality, I may or may not reach a certain level of emotional connection with him, but we can connect through other things, and after rounds of conversations I see the improvements of our communications. If I don’t try to mold him into a completely different person, but let us be who we are and seek for whatever we need in our life, then the path forward becomes easier. He is happy to give me the freedom to explore and provide a stable and comfort home for me so I don’t see a solid reason so far to break up with him.

You said open relationship is not for you. I really wanted to ask if you could give it another thought and if you could trust me to try my best to care about and maintain the relationships that I think are important. I talked through all these things to the husband and I felt that we two had a very honest and solid foundation to try it. So now I think it is the time to tell you all these and see how you think. I would be very happy if you would like to give it a try and we can talk more about it. If you still think it is not for you, may I ask, after I tell you all of these of me, how do you think where our relationship stand right now?

这条信息发出之后,给了Z极大的震撼。他花了两三天的时间去process他自己的感情,非常复杂。一方面他喜欢我,但他从来没有真的想过我会回馈他的喜欢;另一方面,他从来没有想过open relationship,这对他是完完全全的新的领域,他有很多insecurity并且想从我这里得到reassurance。他最后给我的解释是,他自己的ethics并不允许他和已婚女性真的发展,因为我们相遇时都分别已有自己的关系,所以他从没报过希望;但是现在看了我的告白,觉得这是一个让我们发展关系的机会,所以他愿意尝试open relationship。



尽管我们没有再多说对对方的感情,但是自那以后,我已知道我们心里是都有彼此的,只是一场long distance relationship罢了。


而我和老公之间后来再看,虽然open relationship,但是仍旧问题重重,最大的问题或许是老公并不太想put in the effort/work。和老公又有了一些difficult conversation,对我们两个之间的incompatibility有了更多的认识,最后达成的共识就是,我们先这样处着看看,都留意对这个关系的感受,如果到了一定时间如果还是觉得有些off,就去couple therapy找一个中立的咨询师,再去决定这个关系是要去还是留。


If you would like to leave a comment, feel free to contact me at Mastodon @bios@moresci.sale