Bash videos part 2
My first post on this was back on the 7th September. Since then I have made a few more videos and posted to my peertube account.
Any questions, you can e-mail me or follow me on Mastodon
I am also re posting some links posts that link to the learning the BASH shell videos.
BASH Basics 1
BASH Basics 2
BASH Basics 3
BASH Basics 4
BASH Basics 5
BASH Basics 6
BASH Basics 7
BASH Basics 8
* Bash Scripting tutorial – free code camp
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Data Detox workshops 2024
Now that the library IT room is being updated, it would be a good time to look at trying to actually present some of the Data Detox workshops as listed below.
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Code Club 20/1/2024 Write up
We seem to be heading off at a tangent with code club, however today we carried on with building a robot car, and another group were starting work on a 12 in 1 robot kit.
Elsewhere, we installed Ubuntu on a netbook and had a look at the Sony Laptop, which now dual boots with Ubuntu and has all the various hardware drivers working.
We do however want to get back to coding at Code Club and ensure STEM group is reserved for some of the project work.
Next code club is on 3rd Feb 2024
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Code Club 20/1/2024
Usual code club on Saturday 10 – 12 at Paignton Library, we will be in the learning centre for the usual coding activities and in room 10 to carry on with the projects we are doing at the STEM group (see previous post).
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Code Club 6/1/2024 Write up
So we had a busy session today, the Viglen PC I took down is now tested and working, we just need to put it all back together fully.
The Motherboard we had in the STEM cupboard is also now tested and working, so we need a case for this so we can put it all together, install an OS and start using it.
We also had a look at a DIY F1 car project that one of the attendees wants to try and build. We need a few more parts for this, but with help, the project is doable.
Also did the more coding, in Scratch and Python.

Useful Links
Next Code Club
The next code club is 20/1/2024 : 10am to 12:00
Next week 13/1/2024 is the STEM group 11 to 15:00
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Code Club 6/1/2024 reminder
The next Paignton Library code club will be on the 6th Jan 2024. We will carry on with what we were doing in previous sessions. This is mostly fixing laptops and also looking at building some electronics projects.
Useful Links
Next Code Club
The next code club is 20/1/2024 : 10am to 12:00
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Code Club 6/1/2024
The next Paignton Library code club will be on the 6th Jan 2024. We will carry on with what we were doing in previous sessions. This is mostly fixing laptops and also looking at building some electronics projects.
Useful Links
Legacy Links
Next Code Club
The next code club is 20/1/2024 : 10am to 12:00
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Code Club 16/12/2023
The next Paignton Library code club will be on the usual first Saturday, 16/12/2023. We will carry on with what we were doing at the previous session on 2/12/2023.
I will also be helping with electronics, coding, scratch, python, html/css and hardware.
Hopefully a few new members and a few new members with the right level of expertise so we can help / support each other further.
Useful Links
Legacy Links
Next Code Club
The next code club is 6/1/2024 : 10am to 12:00
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Code Club Electronics 6
Electronics 101 video. I found this on peer tube, an introduction to electronics. I am sharing here as it is appropriate for this series of posts.
More videos from this series
There does seem to be some missing on peer tube, these are the 4 I can find. If I find more, I will update the list & post.
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Code Club Electronics 5
A few more circuits are below.

Two LEDs wired up normally.

As above with a switch

Note: Switches should align to holes, as per previous images
Single LED wired up with two switches.
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