Paul Sutton


Code Club 6/1/2024 Write up

So we had a busy session today, the Viglen PC I took down is now tested and working, we just need to put it all back together fully.

The Motherboard we had in the STEM cupboard is also now tested and working, so we need a case for this so we can put it all together, install an OS and start using it.

We also had a look at a DIY F1 car project that one of the attendees wants to try and build. We need a few more parts for this, but with help, the project is doable.

Also did the more coding, in Scratch and Python.


cc jam 1

cc jam 1

cc jam 1

cc jam 1

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Next Code Club

The next code club is 20/1/2024 : 10am to 12:00 Next week 13/1/2024 is the STEM group 11 to 15:00


#CodeClub,#Python,#HourOfCode,#Scratch,#Minecraft,#Themes, #Java,#Programmng

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Code Club 6/1/2024 reminder

The next Paignton Library code club will be on the 6th Jan 2024. We will carry on with what we were doing in previous sessions. This is mostly fixing laptops and also looking at building some electronics projects.

Useful Links

Next Code Club

The next code club is 20/1/2024 : 10am to 12:00 Tags

#CodeClub,#Python,#HourOfCode,#Scratch,#Minecraft,#Themes, #Java,#Programmng

MastodonPeertubeJoin Mastodon

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Code Club 6/1/2024

The next Paignton Library code club will be on the 6th Jan 2024. We will carry on with what we were doing in previous sessions. This is mostly fixing laptops and also looking at building some electronics projects.

Useful Links

Legacy Links

Next Code Club

The next code club is 20/1/2024 : 10am to 12:00 Tags

#CodeClub,#Python,#HourOfCode,#Scratch,#Minecraft,#Themes, #Java,#Programmng

MastodonPeertubeJoin Mastodon

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Code Club 16/12/2023

The next Paignton Library code club will be on the usual first Saturday, 16/12/2023. We will carry on with what we were doing at the previous session on 2/12/2023.
I will also be helping with electronics, coding, scratch, python, html/css and hardware.

Hopefully a few new members and a few new members with the right level of expertise so we can help / support each other further.

Useful Links

Legacy Links

Next Code Club

The next code club is 6/1/2024 : 10am to 12:00 Tags

#CodeClub,#Python,#HourOfCode,#Scratch,#Minecraft,#Themes, #Java,#Programmng

MastodonPeertubeJoin Mastodon

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Code Club 2/12/2023

The next Paignton Library code club will be on the usual first Saturday, 2/12/2023. We will carry on with what we were doing at the previous session on 25/11/2023. Plus also carrying out other projects that have been discussed recently.

I will also be helping with electronics, coding, scratch, python, html/css and hardware.

Hopefully a few new members and a few new members with the right level of expertise so we can help / support each other further.

Useful Links

Legacy Links

Next Code Club

The next code club is TBA Stem group is 9/12/2023 – 11am to 15:00


#CodeClub,#Python,#HourOfCode,#Scratch,#Minecraft,#Themes, #Java,#Programmng

MastodonPeertubeJoin Mastodon

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Code Club 18/11/2023 Write up

Another busy session today, stared off taking a netbook apart to remove the fan, so that we could use it to replace a faulty fan in another netbook. This all went fine, we now have more spare parts in the box.

We also installed windows on 2 netbooks, had a go at installing FreeBSD but got stuck, this is one thing I am not too sure on, we ended up on an installer screen asking about RAID devices.

I also got to do some electronics, and have identified some more resources I need for the next session.

We also had a new attendee who may be able to bring some friends on the 25th. So all good stuff.

We are trying to find out if we can still download an older ISO file for Xebian 2022. The website just has xebian 2023.

I have added more links below to try and reflect our current set of activities.

Useful Links

Next Code Club

The next code club is on 25/11/2023


#CodeClub,#Python,#HourOfCode,#Scratch,#Minecraft,#Themes, #Java,#Programmng

MastodonPeertubeJoin Mastodon

AI statement : Consent is NOT granted to use the content of this blog for the purposes of AI training or similar activity. Consent CANNOT be assumed, it has to be granted.

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Code Club 25/11/2023

The next Paignton Library code club is an extra session on Saturday 25th November 2023, 10 am to 12:00. We will carry on with coding, help new attendee, and do more work on the netbooks.

We may look at FreeBSD, and Ventroy or at least figure out which ISO we would like a multi-boot installer for.

I have added more links below to try and reflect our current set of activities.

Useful Links

Next Code Club

The next code club is on 2/12/2023


#CodeClub,#Python,#HourOfCode,#Scratch,#Minecraft,#Themes, #Java,#Programmng

MastodonPeertubeJoin Mastodon

AI statement : Consent is NOT granted to use the content of this blog for the purposes of AI training or similar activity. Consent CANNOT be assumed, it has to be granted.

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Code Club 4/11/2023 WriteUp

We had a busy code club today. Lots of fixing netbooks, installing operating systems, troubleshooting and of course some coding.

We also had attendees working on their own projects, including a Pokemon related projects.

I also assisted another attendee with an electronics project.

So we now have several netbooks, that are fully working and managed to transfer keyboards over so they also had full keyboards. Replaced a missing key on some other keyboards, which is quite a delicate takes that requires a good degree of patience.

What we need now is to find STEM ambassador help us make a multi boot usb stick so all the installers can be on a single usb stick which will free up the others. I know this can be done, just not sure how to do it, or how to fix things if it doesn't work.

Next Code Club

The next code club is on 18/11/2023 Next week 11th November is the STEM group meeting.


#CodeClub,#Python,#HourOfCode,#Scratch,#Minecraft,#Themes, #Java,#Programmng

MastodonPeertubeJoin Mastodon

AI statement : Consent is NOT granted to use the content of this blog for the purposes of AI training or similar activity. Consent CANNOT be assumed, it has to be granted.

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Code Club 4/11/2023

The next Paignton Library code club is on Saturday 4th November 2023, 10 am to 12:00. We will carry on with coding, help new attendee, and do more work on the netbooks so they have a working operating system.

I have added more links below to try and reflect our current set of activities.

Useful Links

Next Code Club

The next code club is on 4/11/2023

I now have 2x RescaTux boot disks and 1x Gparted boot disk to add to our tool kit. These may be really useful for fixing netbooks etc. Note : Gparted is also included on the rescatux disk

Replacement PSU for netbooks should be this

Power : 40w Voltage : 19.5 Current 2.05 A thus supplies 2.1 A


#CodeClub,#Python,#HourOfCode,#Scratch,#Minecraft,#Themes, #Java,#Programmng

MastodonPeertubeJoin Mastodon

AI statement : Consent is NOT granted to use the content of this blog for the purposes of AI training or similar activity. Consent CANNOT be assumed, it has to be granted.

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Code Club 21/10/2023

The next Paignton Library code club is on Saturday 21st October 2023, 10 am to 12:00. We will carry on with what we are doing including getting netbooks running windows and a few other projects.

I have added more links below to try and reflect our current set of activities.

Useful Links

Next Code Club

The next code club is on 4/11/2023


#CodeClub,#Python,#HourOfCode,#Scratch,#Minecraft,#Themes, #Java,#Programmng

MastodonPeertubeJoin Mastodon

AI statement : Consent is NOT granted to use the content of this blog for the purposes of AI training or similar activity. Consent CANNOT be assumed, it has to be granted.

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