Code Club 6/1/2024 Write up

So we had a busy session today, the Viglen PC I took down is now tested and working, we just need to put it all back together fully.

The Motherboard we had in the STEM cupboard is also now tested and working, so we need a case for this so we can put it all together, install an OS and start using it.

We also had a look at a DIY F1 car project that one of the attendees wants to try and build. We need a few more parts for this, but with help, the project is doable.

Also did the more coding, in Scratch and Python.


cc jam 1

cc jam 1

cc jam 1

cc jam 1

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Next Code Club

The next code club is 20/1/2024 : 10am to 12:00 Next week 13/1/2024 is the STEM group 11 to 15:00


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