Code Club 4/11/2023
The next Paignton Library code club is on Saturday 4th November 2023, 10 am to 12:00. We will carry on with coding, help new attendee, and do more work on the netbooks so they have a working operating system.
I have added more links below to try and reflect our current set of activities.
Useful Links
Next Code Club
The next code club is on 4/11/2023
I now have 2x RescaTux boot disks and 1x Gparted boot disk to add to our tool kit. These may be really useful for fixing netbooks etc. Note : Gparted is also included on the rescatux disk
Replacement PSU for netbooks should be this
Power : 40w Voltage : 19.5 Current 2.05 A thus supplies 2.1 A
#CodeClub,#Python,#HourOfCode,#Scratch,#Minecraft,#Themes, #Java,#Programmng
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