Paul Sutton


Code Club 25/11/2023 Write up

We had a busy session today. As you can see from the photo, we did more work on the netbooks.

code club november 2023

We were also doing more Scratch and some HTML / CSS.

I have added more links below to try and reflect our current set of activities.

I was also helping another attendee with electronics, even though I think what he wants to do is a little complex for the resources available and requires more engineering and or electronics knowledge.

As well as the above, Helen from the STEM group was working on getting the line following robot working and also getting the Lego WeDo working, so we now have a small Lego robot that can detect obstacles, as well as a basic Lego Windmill, which we can look at this during the next STEM group meeting on the 9th December.

Next Code Club

The next code club is on 2/12/2023


#CodeClub,#Python,#Web,#Hardware,#Software,#Electronics, #STEM

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Solid Project

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Solid (Social Linked Data) is a project by Sir Tim Berners-Lee. It aims to put data back in to the hands of end users, so they are in more control.



#YearOfTheFediverse,#SolidProject,#Freedom,#Privacy, #Web,#Internet,WikiPedia,#Decentralised.

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APG password generator

Debian comes with a useful command line utility called apg for generating passwords, based on criteria set when it is run.

You may need to install with apt install apg

Running just apg produces

yissheav-Flas6 (yis-sheav-HYPHEN-Flas-SIX)
rek_OfDot6ly (rek-UNDERSCORE-Of-Dot-SIX-ly)
yorthIs0Ot; (yorth-Is-ZERO-Ot-SEMICOLON)
NapOl{aj6 (Nap-Ol-LEFT_BRACE-aj-SIX)
9Knyhik. (NINE-Kny-hik-PERIOD)

Where as using -m 16 produces a min length of 16 characters

apg -m 16


As a good password should be made up of Letters (upper and lower case) Numbers (0-9) Other characters ( !“£$()%^&* )

Then you need to run something like

apg -M sncl -m 16 -n 5

apg  -M sncl -m 16 -n 5 

The program man page also gives more info and an example shell script to help with the process.

man apg

shell script

       /usr/local/bin/apg -m 8 -x 12 -s
       [ end ]---->

#linux,#debian,#shell,#password,#generation,#security,#help,#scripts,#secure,#unix,#gpl,#fsf,#freesoftware,#manpage, #manual,#web,#internet,#links,#letters,#numbers, #alphanumeric,#specialcharacters

Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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Free Code Camp Update 02/10/2020

I have now completed all the modules in the FreeCodeCamp responsive web design course.

Profile can be found here that details the time line for this. I have also updated my LinkedIn profile with this update.

As yet I have ONLY completed the actual modules and have not undertaken the assessment projects. However my intention was to follow the course to help support Paignton Library Code Club anyway.


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Run a basic web server locally.

A few years ago, at the Torbay Tech Jam I was shown a neat way to start up a really basic http web server using python3.

Using this method I decided to have a go, so that I could share this, as it is linked to this weeks Code Club tutorials.

Note: I am using Debian Linux for this.

So after creating a new directory for the server

mkdir http cd http

I created a new file index.html and added a few basic lines of html to this.

<h1>this is a test line</h1>

Then from the command line entered:

python3 -m http.server 8080

Note: 8080 is the port number, so you can use something different, the default for http is 80.

Then pointing my web browser at

I am able to view the page in the web browser.

Hope this is useful, could be useful for testing out what you are learning with Freecodecamp if you don't want to create Repl for this.


I can be contacted on Mastodon here.

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Free Code Camp progress 8/6/2020

Responsive Web Design Principles component of Responsive Web Design course with Free Code Camp is now complete.


Now moving on to CSS-Flexbox.

#freecodecamp,#applied,#accessibility,#learning,#skills, #responsive,#web,#design,#codeclub

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I can be contacted on Mastodon here.

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Free Code Camp progress 6/6/2020

Applied Accessibility component of Responsive Web Design with Free Code Camp is now complete.


#freecodecamp,#applied,#accessibility,#learning,#skills, #responsive,#web,#design,#codeclub

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I can be contacted on Mastodon here.

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Free Code Camp progress 4/6/2020

I have spent the last few days, working though Applied Accessibility, which is the forth component of Responsive Web Design.


I needed to ask for some help on the date/time activity. I therefore wrote this post while waiting. In true fashion, within about an hour I had an answer from the FreeCodeCamp forum. Turns out I had an errant space and period in my code.

I am roughly 50% of the way through so making good progress.

#freecodecamp,#applied,#accessibility,#learning,#skills, #responsive,#web,#design,#codeclub

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I can be contacted on Mastodon here. You can get a free account on the instance by following this link.

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Get a free online IDE account here Get an Overleaf account here, Online collaborative LaTeX Editor

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Free Code Camp – Visual Design 7

Now fully completed Applied Visual Design module with FreeCodeCamp so have now reached 100% of the way through the module

visual design 7

On onto Applied Accessibility next

#learn, #freecodecamp, #web, #responsive,#visual #design, #html, #css, #skills, #codeclub,

Happy to provide help and support via decentralised social media. I can be contacted on Mastodon here. You can get a free account on the instance by following this link.

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Free Code Camp – Visual Design 6

Completed more of the Applied visual design module with FreeCodeCamp so now reached 73% of the way through the module

visual design 5

More tomorrow.

#learn, #freecodecamp, #web, #responsive,#visual #design, #html, #css, #skills, #codeclub,

Happy to provide help and support via decentralised social media. I can be contacted on Mastodon here. You can get a free account on the instance by following this link.

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Licenced under Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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